I'm Annoying them But (17)

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I wake up to my usual alarm and harry holding me close. Last night was... amazing. He got tired after the 2nd time but so was i so it didnt effect me. Actually he wanted to go again but I couldnt. The first time was gentle but the second time was rough and was so much better if you ask me. I get out of bed slowly, wrapping a blanket around me and i see a guy staring at me and he finally says "wake up. its a fucking dream." what? i walk to the restroom and I turn the shower on and I look at my reflection one last time. I dont look at my face but i see a hickie on my neck and chest with my hair looking like shit. When I thought I was going to loose my virginity I thought it was going to be awkward and first then I would leave, I didnt think that I would do it 2 or 3 times in one night. After taking a shower i go back to the dorm to see harry still sleeping. I throw a nearby pillow at him and he sits up rubbing his tired eyes. I look at his heart and the 3 nails tattoos on his arm and i love his tattoos, i bite my lip. He gets up and walks towards me. "are you ok baby?" he rubs his hand on my cheek so that i can read the 'i cant change' tattoo. He leans in and whispers "its a dream. Evan loves you." i pull back enough to look at his face. "who is evan?" he kisses my forehead and i look behind him to see someone standing in the corner. BAM! just like that my heart starts to ache. I dont know this person, yet i feel so guilty. Then suddenly images start popping in my head. Me laughing with him, Me hugging him, Me kissing him, smiling with him. Him telling me that he loved me and i said it back. I fall to my knees when i realize who it is. "evan..." i whisper and he just stands there, crying. "i cared about your feelings more than mine alyssa." i whimper and cover my mouth as he disappears. "EVAN!" i scream and suddenly i hear someone running behind me "WAKE UP!"

~//~ ~//~ ~//~

I wake gasping for air. "alyssa are you ok?!" i look at evan and i pull him in for a tight hug and he hugs me back. "what happened alyssa?" i pull away to look at his face. "i had a nightmare but it...it wasnt the normal one." he pulls some strands of my hair from my damp face. That moment of me and evan is now corrupted by harry. "what happened?" he asks again and i shake my head. "i dont want to talk about it." I get out of his embrace and i try to get up but i loose my balance. Evan catches me and chuckles. "i guess fucking 2 more times wasnt a good idea, are you sore?." i shut my eyes and i almost throw up.

Everything in my dream happened with evan but it keeps playing like it happened with harry."yea but its ok." " I'm sorry i guess i couldnt help myself. Does it hurt?" i nod and he gets up out of bed and walks towards me."shit i'm sorry." i smile weakly still thinking of the dream and he wipes my cheek. "are you sure you want to go to classes?" it feels like its on fire and it does hurt but i cant just stay in bed. I can walk fine, i dont need to stay. I shake my head "its fine really" I turn and leave the bedroom. I walk to the restroom and I look in the mirror to see no hickies on my chest but one on my neck. It felt so real that it makes me nauseous. I get in the shower and i let the hot water numb my body.

'i cared about your feelings more than mine alyssa'

keeps repeating in my head and i cant get it out. He obviously doesnt mean it in real life, but i hurt him in reality. In reality I made him cry. What if the first time was just pity sex then the others was just lust and not love. I almost loose my balance from all the questions banging, swirling in my head. He loves me, he told me that. I'm not going to bring it up because i mean im going to fight with him about something that didnt even happen..... a dream that felt so real...

After i finish the shower i go back to the room and quickly dress, knowing that evan is watching me. After his shower he comes back and basically dresses in front of me. I would have to control myself from staring at him and watching him, but i cant because the dream is stuck in replay in my head. The fact that i was in his dorm and he was only in boxers was horrifying. I mean his body looked blurry because i dont remember looking at his shirtless body because i didnt care for it. After he is done he grabs my hand and we walk out of the apartment.

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