Fill It With Cheap Whiskey, (36)

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Sorry for the mistakes.

3rd persons.

Mark drives away from evans apartment with the most mischievous smirk plastered on his face as he thinks of his brand new barbie doll, as he puts it.

He passes the cemetery and just happens to look out the window, because eveytime he passes it, he feels some sort of... calm peace. It starts to pour and he smiles more. This day just became more perfect.

He looks at the other side of the cemetery, where tombs are not as big, and see's a wet, soaked boy. His eyes squint then become wide, causing him to swerve as he quickly realizes who it is. He parks in a panic and hastily gets out to help his... friend.

He picks him up and throws him over his shoulder, only to hear him groan but still, is unconscious. He drops him in the back of the car and quickly gets in.

He cant be dying, he just cant..

He shouts at himself as he speeds down the road to a hospital. I cant just let him die.

He thinks to himself as he looks at the re-view mirror to look at the dirty blond boy. He runs his hand through his wet, tangled hair and speeds more.

He hears the sounds of cars honking, blaring at him, but he just doesn't care. All he hears is tge sound of his heart beating against his rib cage.

He needs to save him.

He stomps on the brakes, once he see's the hospital come in view.

He stops the car at the entrance and sighs.

I doesn't like this..

He gets out and opens the back, making sure that only his back is showing, so the cameras won't get his face. He grabs his arm but jerks away in shock, Is that welts?

He looks worried, frantically searching for anything else visible. He lets out a deep breath then grabs him again, dropping him off in front of the hospital door.

The doctors and nurses come running and they quickly get him in the hospital once they see him. They place him in the bed then quickly check his pulse, only to feel it going faster than any normal rate.

They take off his wet clothes and replace it with the protocol clothes. The nurse checks his phone to see many calls but only two contacts,

Your girlfriend ♥


They try to call the number that has a heart with it, but it goes to voice mail. They quickly dial Jesse's number and after the second ring, she answers.

"evan, where are you?" she asks frantically then she starts to breath heavy when the nurse says that her brother is in the hospital.

Jesse drops her phone but she realizes that harry has her car, she grabs alyssa's mothers car keys and drives off.

She can feel tears well up as she thinks of the horrid scenarios.

Where the hell is Alyssa?! She thinks as she drives faster.

She finally reaches the hospital and right after, she runs to the front desk.

"where is my brother?! where is evan!?"

"Jesse? Jesse Peters? " She nods frantically and as the doctor ushers her to follow him down the hall.

Once she looks at the window to her brothers room, she feels as though she is about to faint.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now