And I Feel like (32)

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Evans pov

All of the things that I fucked up in the past, I remember that I didn't give a shit, but now I feel guilty. I lost myself before I started to lose everyone else around me. Then we all grew up and shit kept getting worse and to this day, my past still effects me. I remember when me and jesse were young, we would always play in the backyard and we felt like we never wanted to grow up.

We would play all night and day. only if things were different... I would be happy, I would care more and I wouldnt hurt the people I love the most. But now look at me... I'm fucking sobbing on my once lost sisters shoulder.

I was still testing my luck and I knew it, I just didn't care.. I blamed taisse for doing this to me but i know i did it to myself. Just thinking about it hurts me.

"baby I need to go!" she whined and i let out a laugh. "fine, fine just one kiss." i pouted and she smiled. "fine." she gave me a quick kiss and i smiled. " i'll miss you." she laughs then shakes her head. "me too. But i'll be back, there is just something i need to do." I nod then move my hands from her waist. "bye!" she shouts as she runs out the door. I smile then plop down on the cough.

Then my thoughts about her start like wind fire.

Should i ask her? i love her, I mean i bought this damn ring for her! We have been dating almost two years now and i think its a good time.

Ok, I'm going to ask her to marry me. I'm going to ask her...

Oh god i'm going to ask her... Worry starts to settle in. What if she says no? what if she leaves me?

No, dont think like that, she wont reject me.

But only if i did, then i wouldn't be this cold and dark now.

~//~ ~//~

4 hours has gone by and she hasn't come back yet. Where the hell is she? The food is going to get cold. Yes, i made fucking food for this. I'm not going to mess this up. She is going to think its just a dinner then

BAM! I'm going to ask. " Taisse Farmiga will you do the extraordinary honor in marrying me?" or is that too much?

CRAP! i forgot the wine! how can i forget that?! shit! its ok, i just need to hurry up and get it. I grab my keys and i run to my car to get the wine.

Back then i really was stupid. I really cared then..

Once i finally get it, i speed my way back home.

My old home..

I open the door to find most of everything empty. All of her stuff gone. The smile on my face is quickly smacked off. What? I run to our room to find all of her drawers empty, all of her shoes, jewelry gone and she didn't even leave a note.

She left? She didn't even say goodbye. I dig into my pocket and i get out the little box out..


I throw the box on the floor and i run outside, hoping that she is out there. "TAISSE!" i call.

No answer.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now