Loved The Moon (22)

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What the hell happened? I havent moved from the restroom because i am still in shock. I look back down at my hands with the dry blood of evans. I look around to see blood around the sink and the shattered glass in the sink and some on the floor.... and i see a note. I pick it up quickly and i read it.

Evan i know about your little girlfriend, i must say she is quite ravishing.

You should keep her close or history will seem to repeat its self and you don't want that, do you?

~ M.H

Panic shoots through my body. Is this why he did all of this? Oh god.. "jesse!" she walks into the restroom and my hate for her is boiling right now and i dont know if i can control it. "what is this? do you know anything?" please just tell the truth. Dont lie. I see her stiffen but she shakes her head. "no, no idea." I shake my head and i run to the door grabbing evans keys. "can i come?!" she yells and i stop in my tracks. She has no right to even see him. Because she did this to him. "no." i open the door and i hear her jog up to me. "why? alyssa i need to see him." "why? so you can get money from him?!" she looks shocked. Good. "what ar- Is this about the phone? because i feel guilty about it too and i know i dont deserve it." No shit Sherlock. I take a deep breath from exploding. I need to do this later, i can accuse her and she will tell me everything


"come on." Me and her run to evans car and i start the engine. She starts messing with the radio and it is starting to piss me off more . "we are going to see your brother and you want to listen to music?!" she quickly moves her hand away and slides back into her seat."sorry..." i roll my eyes and i drive faster. We finally make it to the hospital that evan was last time. We run inside and i see the nurse i saw last time. "excuse me!? do you know where evan peters is?" he turns and frowns. "yea he is in room 256 on the 2nd floor." he looks at evans sister and he looks even more annoyed. "um.. ok thanks." i feel a hand around my wrist.

"i need to go with you, The patient is on suicide watch so someone needs to be present." i scoff and i move his hand away. "he didnt do it to himself!" he shook his head. "we dont know that yet and besides he is under sedatives." i sigh, annoyed and i walk past him into the elevator.

They both come in after and we go to evans floor. Once the doors open I run to his room, almost tripping. I open the door and my heart drops to my stomach. A blood bag is connected to his arm and his face is more pale. He looks like he is dying, worst than last time he was here. I come up to his side and i try to hold back tears but they only come out as muffled sob. I feel a hand on my back and i slap it away.

"ma'am he needs rest. " i shake my head. "i'm not leaving. " someone sighs "i will be in the hall until you guys leave." then i hear the door close. I move his hair from his pale face. "you did this...." i whisper but i hope that she heard me. I hear her take a sharp breath. "wh- what?" i turn around to see her eyes glossy but i dont care. "you heard me. You did this." i look at her with disgust obvious on my face.

"no-no i didnt. " she stutters and i take a step forward and earned a step back from her. "yes you did. " i narrow my eyes at her and she gulps. "look the phone is eat-" I tug on the roots of my hair. "I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THE FUCKING PHONE!" she takes a step back and i put my head in my hands and i let out the built up tears fall. I hear her sigh. "look your just stressed and you dont know what your saying. " i shake my head and i sit in a chair in the room. " who is m. h? " i look at her blurry figure and she shakes her head. "i dont know. " i sigh in frustration but i give up. I cant deal with this right now. I set my head back on the back of the seat and i look up at the ceiling, wiping away my tears.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now