Bottle, Lying Down (5)

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I feel so much better I finally got her back to me and as I kiss her I can't help but to think why the fuck would I ever want to ruin this again. I made a promise and I intend to keep it. I watch her walk to her next class and I want to chase her and kiss her again but I don't. I feel people looking and I turn to see girls after fucking girls looking at me.

"may I fucking help you?..shit don't you have something to do with your life?" I walk away but I want to look at their faces which would probably be amusing. I walk to my class and before I walk in I can't help but to think that Alyssa is in there waiting for me with a seat next to her, ignoring every fucking guy in there.

I walk in and to my disappointment she isn't there.fuck.nope I don't want to be in here. As I turn around to walk out of the room without her I hear "hey what are you doing class is starting." I turn to see a girl trying to grab my arm and I step back."

I don't care I don't want to be here this shit is stupid." I try to walk out again "no you can't go you will get in trouble." I'm getting annoyed I just want to leave and she is in the way. " why do you care? You don't know me and I don't want to be here now"

she doesnt move.

"fine" she finally moves and I walk out.

I get into my car and drive back to my apartment I'll wait for the next and the last period of the day. As I make my way to the elevator I start thinking of all the guys she is going to be around and I stop the the doors from closing with my hand and I run back to my car.

I sit there for a couple of seconds.. What am I going to do just roam the campus and find her class and sit next to her and hold her hand like a child.... That doesn't sound too bad. I look at my phone and check the time.. hmm, well classes usually ends about now.

I should really get her number.


I look at the clock and class is about to end I wonder what Evan is doing. I still get the image of him despretely apologizing to me and it makes me feel bad.

I look around to see my group that I got stuck with 5 guys and no girls just me and worst of all they like to flirt with their cheesy pick up lines ew.

I quickly stand up when the professor dismisses us and I try to not hear them whistling at me? I walk out "ALYSSA!" I hear and I don't turn around "LEAVE ME ALONE I DON'T WANT YOU!!"

I feel a hand on my arm and I turn about ready to hit this....oh shit Evan. "what?" damn damn Damn! "oh um.. Nothing." my face is red I can feel it. I see his smile turn into a frown.

" did someone try to.. Touch you?" he looks so consumed with anger that he lets go of me.

"who tried to touch you what's his name? Tell me!" he looks around to look at every guy. I get ahold of his hand." no one calm down. Why are you here?" he turns to me. "what. I can't check up on my girlfriend?" he smirks showing his beautiful dimples.

"oh so I'm your girlfriend now?" he frowns. "when were you not?" he smiles and I smile back he puts his fingers between mine and walks me back to his car. " wait I have one more class."

as we get in the car he looks at me and puts his hand on my thigh. "so? You can skip." he looks away to start the car

"no I can't this is the first day I can't just skip." he turns to me again."so they won't miss you its just one class you can go tomorrow. Please?" he pouts and I smile. " fine just this one time." he leans in and puts his lips on mine. He puts his hand on my cheek and I feel goose bumps and I can't breathe, I love this feeling. I feel his tongue make his way into my mouth and I follow his movements with mine.

His hand lowers to my back then my bottom. He stops and I whine from removing his lips. He puts his forehead on mine. "we can't do this now I will loose it." he smiles and we leave the parking lot to the campus. Where are we going? I look at Evan and I look at his lips that are now swollen from our kiss.

I want to ask where are we going but I know the answer. You'll know when we get there. So I look out the window and I feel Evans hand on my leg again and I love when he does that.

(I'm so so so sorry I have not updated umm Im pretty sure I will be busy for a while so it will be a while for another update so please bare with me but remember to vote and comment thanks bye!

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