I Always (9)

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I wake to a movement under me. "hey" i hear evan say and i groan and get off of him and he tries to pull me back but i stand. I look at the clock and its 10:00. My first class just ended. I look back at evan and he is looking at me with concern turning into anger."your lucky that i even came back, that i let you be this close to me after what you did."

i roll my eyes,is he really serious?"oh yea im lucky alright." i say sarcastically."if you would have let me talk i would have told you what really happened but no you just had to assume that we were... but...." he steps closer and i push his chest to keep distance. "but what?"

he doesnt move."nothing just go." "alyssa.." "what!? you want my forgiveness now?" i take a deep breath. "you dont trust me to make my own choices..." he steps closer and i dont move this time. "i'm sorry. I cant just be cool with you always hanging around guys that could make you..." he stops and looks at the ground. I look at him the whole time i want to press for an answer but i know what will be the outcome. I put my hand on his cheek."evan you have to tust me." He nods and looks at the desk and sees the stack of papers. "assignments?" i nod and he looks at me.

"how much?" i look down."weeks worth." i only took the papers because i didnt think that we would be in this conversation. I hear a knock on the door before watching evan messing with my phone. I turn to open the door and i see harry. I take a quick look behind me and he is still distracted, but not for long.

I walk to the hallway. "yea?" im alittle annoyed, can he just not try to find me or try to get into my relationship for one day? and i can see that i was right about the black eye and he has a busted lip.

"um here you left your sweater at my dorm." he says alittle too loud and i hear the door knob turn. "ok thanks bye now" i quickly try to dismiss him but it too late, of couse it is.

Evan looks at harry with what it seems like disgust and he gives the same look and evans hands are clenched at his side. I look at evan "what did he want?" i try hide the sweater but he has it in his hand already."this?" i nod and he takes a deep breath. "come inside" and i can tell that he is going to yell.


I want to yell so bad. Why was she at his dorm, why was she even near him after that thing that happened? she should have came home.. my home with me but she never listens, she is too stubborn.

I try to keep my cool because if i dont the she will tell me to get out and yell and i really dont want to right now."why was your sweater at his place?" i say calmly if i look at her i will start yelling so i look down at the floor and try to have no emotion on my face. " I .. went there to clean his face and left."

the fact that she touched him, The fact that she gave him the satisfaction on being so close to him is making my blood boil. I nod.

"why were you holding his hands?" i feel disgust and i feel like leaving but its my fault, i pushed her to him. " i didnt, i tried to let go and his grip got tighter and then you came and..."

"did he hurt you?" i dont want to know the answer but i didnt want him to touch her but its too late for that.."no it didnt hurt." I step back and I sit on her bed. She sits down on the end of her bed and I look at the girls bed I slept on I feel a hand on my leg and I push it off.

I know it was my fault but it was her choice to talk to harry and she did. that is why we are in this problem."evan..."

I interrupt " I don't care.it doesn't matter" but I do care I just remember her crying and holding tightly to her cover, I watched her before I comforted her and she told me that I made her dream go away. I look at her.

"never again.." She nods. I don't just let everyone in and I don't love her. I had to convince myself but that little piece kept saying I do but I kept pushing it away.

I get close to her but I stop. She looks confused and I shake my head from harry smiling and her hands in his. It wasn't her, she didn't want to. I look at her and i walk towards the door.

I turn my head but i dont look at her. "i just wanted to protect you..but i'm too lost.." i walk out and i hear my phone ring. "hello?' i hear a slight chuckle.

"get your ass over here peters, i've got someone who would like to meet you if you know what i mean." i shake my head. "i dont need to meet anyone." I hear laughter and i hang up the phone. I look back at her door, i want to walk back in and just forget everything but i cant. I leave and go back to my apartment. I finally decide to clean the mess i made and i see her bag, that is still here, i pick it up to put in my closet but i stop in my tracks.

I see harry and alyssa holding hands. "NO!" i throw the bag and i hear something break."no, no,no!" i run to the bag and its her iron thingy and blow dryer that broke. Shit.

I kick her bag and her clothes scatter. My phone vibrates and its mark. "come on over they are too horny for just me to handle." i take a minute to answer. "hold on ill be there soon."

(sorry for the small update but tomorrow will be better :))

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