In The End, Everyone is going to leave. (19)

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"where are you going?" i asked as she was leaving the bedroom with her bag."mind your business." she slammed the door shut and i sat down on the couch. "shit" i mumble and i look at the ground. Why didnt i get the fucking condom. Its like the farther i went, the longer i wanted to stay there. I can tell that she loved when it was rough and she didnt say anything either. Please god, please dont let her be pregnant. I am defiantly not ready to raise a child at all. I am just in collage for gods sakes! I sit on the couch and i look at my trembling hands. Do i give her space to cool down? and yes then for how long? "damn it!" i scream from the top of my lungs, not caring about my stupid fucking neighbors. I cant be a dad. I just cant..


After i take a shower to calm my nerves i see something in the corner of my eye. She left her phone. I pick it up and i press the circular button. It powered on and i was greeted by me sleeping and her making a funny face. I smile and chuckle at the same time. I swipe my screen and there is no password... Do i dare look at her messages? well i mean its for a reason right? no! i put the phone down and i remember that she has to come and get it sooner or later or i can give to her. No! i really dont want to see her. But then i do. I dont know why but a small part was glad that i didnt use a condom and the other part was threatening to cut my balls off if that happened again. The bigger part was my whole body, My alcoholic, reckless, the darkness was saying to forget the bitch. The the light that she caused me to have said that it would be good. You could show all the love that i didnt get a chance to show my sister.

But like always, the darkness brings back the memories.

{start of flashback}

"No get the fuck away damn Jess you are fucking annoying!" i lightly shove her away and she laughs. "oh come on its just a ride to the party and i could get a ride back. Promise." i look at her pleading eyes and i sigh. I pull up my pinky and she smiles. We were always pinky promising since we were 4. It was sacred as she would always say. I get my keys and i head to the door with her following me. As she gets in the car she turns to me. "evan thank you so much!" she grabs my head and kisses my cheek. "ew, disgusting." i say as i wipe my cheek. "oh calm down." she rolls her eyes and i smile. As we get to the address i look around to see people already passed out on the damn lawn. As she reaches for the door i pull her arm. "i should go with you." i said unbuckling my seatbelt but she stops me from fulling taking it off. "no evan i will be fine. I will be here until like midnight and i have my phone so i will call you if i need my big brother to kick some ass." i smirk. "better believe it." she laughs and gives me one last hug. Who would have thought that was going to be the last one? not me.

Only if i hadnt listened to my sister and went with her maybe we would still be talking. Maybe she would still be here.

I sit at my bed watching a movie when suddenly i heard my phone vibrate against the wood of the little table. I jump to the other side of the bed to get the phone and its a text from my sister. I open the message to see a video. I cover my mouth when i see my sister on a bed looking so sleepy but not near peaceful. I hear voices in the room and i immediately hear a guys voice first. Its one i remember but i cant put my finger on who it was. "you are so beautiful, I wonder what you look like without clothes." A tear falls down my cheek as i hear my fragile sister say. "evan.." i drop the phone and run to my car. I AM GOING TO KILL WHO EVER HURT MY FUCKING SISTER! Once i get to the fucking house i jump out of my car and i run inside. The music is deafening and some slut tries to make her way over to me and i block her. I run upstairs and i open every fucking door until i find one at the end of the hallway that is locked. I start banging on the door and all i hear is small breathes.

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