Close to me. (12)

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I wake up next to evan and he seems to look worse. His bruised face seems to be sculpted into a frown and his arm is on his side. He looks like he is in pain.. too much pain. I get off as silently as possible and i look at the clock hanging on the wall. Its 9:40 am. I go down to the cafeteria to go get us some breakfast but if it looks disgusting i guess im walking.


It took longer than i thought and once i have the food, some tea for me, and coffee for him, i make my way up to his room. Once the elevator opens i hear yelling. "LET ME GO! SHIT! FUCK! GET OFF! WHERE IS SHE!?" i run to his room to find it was evan. He is resisting for whatever reason and he looks like he is in so much pain. "GET OFF!" he repeats. I set the food down and i go to his side. Evan looks at me and his frown fades and the nurse looks at me. "come with me." the nurse says.

I follow him into the empty hall. "what happened?" i ask after a couple minutes of silence. "well your boyfriend tried to get out of his bed and he kept yelling where you were." I sigh. "your boyfriend keeps it up and we are going to be forced to make him leave." I walk to the doorway. "how long is he going to stay here." "well i dont think he injured any body organs, if he did then he may need to stay in the hospital. Otherwise he can heal at home. So tomorrow maybe but i need to do paper work and we need to make sure." i nod and i walk back into the room. I go to his side and i move his hair from his face. "why dont you just not get into fights?" he smiles."it wasnt a fight." he quickly remarks and i grab his hand and i put my fingers through his. I see his knuckles and they look like shit. I concentrate on his knuckles too much that he quickly pulls away but not with out a groan and a cuss word out of his mouth. "evan.." "i didnt do anything. fighting that is." i stare into his black eyes(i know they aren't black but it truly seems like it.) I sit at the end of the bed and i look at my phone and there is a message from zoey "hey how is he doing?"

"fine, um how did you know that he was hurt?" she takes a while to text back.

"mark told me when he went to see him."

"oh ok well i need to go." she simply sends a 'k' and i put down the phone.



I watch her mess with her phone for a couple of minutes before setting it down. "how long do i have to be in this shit hole?" she smiles. " um tomorrow maybe." i sigh over dramatically hoping to get a laugh and i succeed. I remember doing the the first time but she hated me so it never worked.

"ok calm down." she lightly hits my knee and i smile."i got food for us." she holds out the food and the smell fills my senses. She hands me some coffee and she drinks.."whats that?" after taking a quick sip she hands out her cup."do you want some, its tea" i take the tea and i drink some. The warm liquid goes down my throat."what is it?" it tastes good actually. "um vanilla chai" she smiles and i take another sip. "i dont really drink tea much." she smiles and her dimple shows. I think it is so beautiful that there is just one. I get a flash of harry and her and i close my eyes to erase the dream but it keeps going. I grip the sheets on the bed. "Evan are you ok?" she had her hand on my shoulder and my mind goes completely reckless. I open my eyes when i dont feel her touch and she is at the door already.

"where.. are you..going?" i try to catch my breath. " im going to get a nurse to see whats wrong." i shake my head its not the pain physically but emotionally. "then whats wrong?" she comes back to my side. "nothing." she frowns and walks to the chair. "lay here." i look at the empty space and..she shakes her head? she picks up a book that i didnt know that she had. It says Burned. with the flames as words and a black cover. "alyssa." she only puts the book down just enough to see me and she raises her eye brow. I take a deep breathe and she gets up, setting the book on the chair and she is at my side once again. " when you were gone i had nothing, no body and i had a dream every time i wished you were next to me.." she looks down and sadness in her face and she flips her hair to the other side.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now