Will Take Shape Of (38)

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( Sorry for the mistakes in advance, :0) 


I'm ready. I'm ready to be a mother.

My child can have the childhood that was taken away from me. I can tell Evan when he comes to and he'll be happy.. Right?

I let out a shaky breath as I rip open the Manila folder to see all the results.

I open my eyes after taking a deep breath but once I do, my eyes start to burn from the tears. I start to breath heavily as I read it over again and again.

Why me?

I can't have a happy ending, can I?

I throw the papers away from me then speed back to the hospital, repeating why?


I walk into the room to see Jesse fell asleep with her cheeks stained from the tears in a chair. I slowly sneak my hand in Evans as I let go of the air that is burning my lungs.

I trace my fingers over his scared knuckles as I let out silent sobs. It was never meant to be I guess..

I start to think about how.. How angry I was at him, how I destroyed his apartment.. And now he's in the hospital.. Again.

"Alyssa? "

"Evan! Are you-"

"Yea I'm fine. Alyssa, what's wrong?"

"I-uh.. Nothing. I'm just... Worried." I whisper and he sighs.

"What happened?" He asks again, referring to himself and I furrow my eyebrows. "I- I don't know. Wh-what do you remember?" I ask as scenarios enter my mind once again.

" I.. remember being at the cemetery in front of.. then now here I am."he looks down and I furrow my eyebrows again.

"Why were you at the cemetery?" I question but he just shakes his head. "I.. I don't remember." he lies.

I bow my head as I let go of his hand. Why cant he tell me anything? I don't und- "Alyssa?" My glossy eyes reach his beautiful dark brown ones and I see from the corner of my vision, he is messing with his fingers.

" what happened to us?" He asks and I sigh again, pushing the chair farther from him.


"No, I don't know what I did. I love you, isn't that enough?" He questions but I just shake my head. Nothing is ever enough anymore..

" it's not you evan, its m-"

" Oh don't get me that bullshit. really? It's not you its me crap? Out of all the things, I thought you were better than that. " he spits but I don't say anything.

"Oh what? After being together for 5 months, now you don't have anything to say? You seemed to have a lot to say when you were acting all badass. Nothing now?"

"No, I don't have anything to say to you anymore. I'm surprised that you still wanted me even after I tried to leave, leave you specifically!" I burst and he looks at me with satisfaction like he wanted me to go over the edge.

"Evan, I can't love you but I have to! You want to know why?! Because, I hate to say it, but you had me wrapped around your fucking finger and you fucking know it!"

"You can't love me? Oh that's rich. I-" he turns away to see Jesse sitting there and looking at us while we argue.

" You guys can't just shut the hell up, can't you? You know I'm just waiting for you guys to just forgive each other, make out and forget everyone until you two fight again." she rolls her eyes then looks at the clock.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now