Every Night To (24)

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Previously on Trouble...

I turn and i open the door, walking in. Jesse stands up and i see the stains of dry tears on her cheeks. "ok.-" i put my hand up to silence her. "what the hell is going on?" she sighs and sits on the couch. "do you really want to know?" i stare at her thinking duh you dumbass! She nods and sighs. "its a really long story." i sit on the couch and prepare for what i am about to hear.

Who knew thing that i am about to hear will change my life forever?

~//~ ~//~

She runs her hand through her hair. "I dont know how to tell you." i sigh in frustration. "try." i demand and she sighs again. "ok um well it started after i.. I left." i waited for her to finish. "when i ran, I didnt know what to do, where to go. I had no one and i had to sleep outside for gods sakes!" i see her eyes getting watery and for a mere second i actually feel bad. "and...and then i met someone when i was trying to get food-" "who?" i quickly ask and she looks away. "your roommate. zoey."

i let out a shaky breath. The person that i thought was my friend is against evan. I thought they were best friends. I nod to let her finish." And.. She knew i was in some deep shit and she asked me if i wanted to get a job, have shelter and i said yes because i didnt want to be there anymore, eating food that came from the damn garbage... I went to a building and they told me everything i needed to know and every day i had to get money from people that owed us and if we didnt get we would have to get it some other way. " "what did you need to know?" i asked. Horrible scenarios are coming. evan dying is the worse one.

She sighs again. "that...that We are a corporation and that we get money from people that gamble and dont pay. we are called loan sharks." Loan sharks? Other way? "and what is the other way?" I see a tear fall and she quickly wipes it. "we take it by force or we use persuasion." i tilt my head in confusion. "persuasion?" she looks at me for awhile and it hits me. "m-me?" I stutter and she nods. "why are you doing this?" i whisper, unable to breathe.

my vision is getting blurry from the tears. "i dont want to. I tried to get out but i cant. He thinks that i will go to the police. I cant leave and..... now our target is...evan." I quickly stand up. "YOUR BROTHER!?" she sniffles. "i dont want to! Please dont tell him. Dont tell him please!" she tries to grab my wrist but i jerk back. "dont you realize that i hate this!? i wanted to get out because I found out that- that THEY DID THAT TO ME! THEY SAID THAT IT WAS REVENGE! do you know how that feels? having to work for someone that set you up to BE RAPED!" she screamed and started to sob.

I cant breathe, My vision is still blurry and my knees feel weak. "who..who is mark?" she stiffens. "he-he is the leader. He likes to call himself the alpha sometimes. " i shake my head and my back hits the wall and i slide down slowly, until i am sitting on the floor. "I saw the way harry looked at you. Why?" she sits on the floor with me and takes a deep breath.

"he used to be in the corporation but he got out." "how?" is all i can manage to say. "he was sneaky about it. We used to be in Florida but he left and mark looked for him for awhile but gave up when a month went by and he didnt get arrested so he didnt care anymore. But when he sees him...he could get.." my head snaps up. "get what? GET WHAT JESSE!?" i scream and i stand up.

"hurt." she looks down and my chest starts to ache. "what do you mean hurt?" i ask and she sniffles. "i mean he could get shot alyssa, I dont know!" she screams and i gasp. He doesnt deserve to die. He is my friend and he cares for me. I cant let this happen. "do they know?" she doesnt say anything for a moment. "i- i dont know. " i run to the door and run into the hallway. "where are you going?!" she screams but i ignore her. I pull out my phone and search for harry's number. I dont remember getting it but then again i dont remember having evans number either.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now