Something's Missing Inside Me, (34)

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I barge through the door to see harry in one corner with this shameful face, jesse in front of evan in a protective stance and evans eyes are glued on me with his mouth open.

I roll my eyes then quickly make my way to a chair to catch my breath. "alyssa! where the hell did you go?" asked harry after a couple moments of silence. He bends down and places his hands on my thighs but I push them away. I look up at him for a second to see a smirk on his face, like he is still getting to me, but he isnt. Harry is still bent in front of me but he isnt touching me anymore. "where were you going?" he asks again softly but before I can answer, I hear jesse scoff. " If she wanted you to know then she would have told you before she left."

I glare at her then once my eyes get back to harry, they only soften slightly. " I was going to New Hampshire." I say quietly. His eyes go wide then I can see hurt rise up in his eyes. But is quickly dissipated when he looks away. He stands up then walks toward the door. "jesse, Alyssa. I need to talk to both of you." he says calmly then leaves the room. We both follow him, but evan grabs my arm before I can leave the room.

"I'm so sorry alyssa. I didnt mean to hurt you. I swear it." he pleads and all I do is look at his bruises expressionless. He gets confused by the way I'm not pushing him away, how I'm not trying to do anything but look at him with a blank face. "yea, that's great and all. But I got to go. When you want to grovel then you know where I'll be." I say sarcastically then walk out, leaving him shocked and confused.

Once I find jesse and harry outside, they look at me confused. "what?" I snap and only harry's eyes get wide but jesse just looks at me, with no emotion on her face too. " Didn't evan talk to you?" asks harry and I roll my eyes. "yea, so?" that's when I hear jesse scoff again. "congrats alyss. You are getting stronger." she says with annoyance laced in her voice.

I take a step forward to get in front of jesse's face and I clench my fists to my sides. "what?how about you say that for me again,bitch? Because I would really like to kick your stu-" Before I can finish, harry pulls me away so that my back is to his chest. "alyssa, please, Not now. Not here." he whispers in my ear and all I do is push him away. "dont touch me." I growl once I get a good distance away from him. I turn to see jesse with a smirk on her face that I just want to punch off.

Still looking at me, she opens her big mouth to talk. " so, what are we going to do about mark?" I look at harry once she said those words and I see him sigh. " I- I dont know."

"WHAT! YOU DONT KNOW?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT KNOW?!" I shout then shove him back a little. What the hell does he mean he doesnt know?! He called me to tell me someone is going to shoot the guy that I lov- loved, and he says he doesnt fucking know!

"alyssa-" jesse gets in the way before he can finish his little pathetic plead. "did you tell her? what mark told you?" she asks harry, still looking at me. But without the smirk. "harry...?" I look at him to see that he wont even meet my gaze. "HARRY?!" I shout but he is still looking at the ground. "go on harry, tell her. Tell what she did."

What I did? I didnt do anything. I hope.

"harry, so help me god, if you dont tell me I will rip out your-"

"I'm the one that is going to do it." he blurts.

Do it?

Oh god no. Please dont tell me that he.. he is going to.. I let out a shaky breath then run my fingers through my hair. "do what?" I ask quietly.

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