The Sun (21)

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Evan got her a fucking phone? that would have been sweet if she wasnt up to something, but she is and i dont know what. It is funny because we were having a civil conversation, then now she is just someone i am starting to hate. I look at her and back at evan and i fake smile. "wow look at that an iPhone. You could call anyone now." i look down at my food then i look at evan again and he has a confused face and i shake my head. He shrugs and he looks at jesse again. "so you like it?" he looks so hopeful for some reason. She nods and turns the phone on. "of course she does." i mumble and she looks at me, confused as well.

"what?" she and evan look at me and i shake my head again. "nothing, I think i should go, Its getting dark." I take my plate to the sink and i grab my bag. This was the most stress full day in my life, it would have been ok if it was spread out in a week but nope life just doesn't want that. Just as i am about to grab the door knob evan grabs my wrist. "hey b- alyssa why don't you stay here and watch movies with my sister." he looks back at her and i can see his mouth turning into a smile. He truly did miss her. "and you can stay the night.." he looks at me and i melt looking into his hopeful eyes and i am going to feel like shit when i shoot it down. I shake my head "evan you kn-" "please i just need you here." i sigh and nod in defeat. Its going to be a long night again and its only fucking tuesday.


I don't know whats wrong with alyssa and i can feel and see that jesse looks guilty and i also dont know why. This day has been complete shit. From having a fight with alyssa only to have it turn into a goddamn confession then having this nagging voice in my head saying:

are you really going to stay?

are you ready to be a father?

Do you really think she is going to stay with someone like you when she could be in danger?

All you are is trouble...

I am snapped out of my thoughts when alyssa sits next to me on the couch. "so what do you want to watch?" i ask both of the girls and alyssa shrugs and jesse is still glued to the phone with a frown on her face. It looks like she is texting... who though? "jess?" her head snaps up. "hmm?" i shake my head and chuckle and i look at alyssa and her jaw clenches. "what do you want to watch?" she looks in deep thought and she smiles. "zombieland." i nod, even though i seen it like 20 times i like the movie so i dont mind. I put it on and i look over to alyssa again and her arms are crossed over her chest. I lean forward and i tug her arm.

"whats wrong?" she shakes her head. "nothing, just watch the movie." she looks at jesse and pokes her arm and she looks at her. "whats your number?" she smiles and gives the number and when alyssa looks at the tv again she frowns and i can tell she is not really playing attention. The whole movie is in silence, awkward silence. Every once and a while she jumps from the movie and i roll my eyes. But what i dont understand is why isnt she happy for me. I have missed my sister for years and that is why i closed myself off because i felt like i was the blame and i still do, but at least i know that she is alright. Then it hits me, I never read the note. I quickly get up and go to the restroom and lock the door. I dig in my pocket, take out the note and slowly open it.

Evan i know about your little girlfriend, I must say she is quite ravishing.

You should keep her close or history will seem to repeat its self and you don't want that, do you?

~ M.H

I throw my fist against the sink and i hear a cracking noise. Shit. Seconds later i hear banging on the door. "evan! are you ok?!" i take a deep breath to calm my self but its not working. My heart starts pumping really fast and I feel so goddamn guilty and i feel pathetic and the letter isnt making it feel better. I feel so weak right now and my breaths are getting short and shallow and i cant think straight. It feels like my damn world is chipping away, falling in on me and there is nothing i can do about it. I even feel like i lose all senses of reality and feel like i'm floating around in some horrible nightmare. I remember this happening when my sister left. Why did she leave? shit i cant remember. Fuck! The pounding on the door hasnt stopped, In fact it just gets louder in my ears. "evan talk to me! whats wrong?!" she starts kicking the door and i cover my ears from the overwhelming sounds surrounding me. I finally scream to try to get the sounds to stop but it only gets louder then the voices comes.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now