You At The (3)

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As soon as I get the strength to open my eyes, I see Evan and he has his arms around me.

We are back in my dorm on my bed. He looks at me, pushing my hair back from my face and I see him smile weakly. I open my eyes completely and I see the worry on his face disappear.

"Oh thank god are you ok. What the hell happened?" He asks frantically but when I try to speak, I cant. I shake my head instead and he holds me even closer.

" You screamed and I didn't know what to think, I was terrified for you." Still all I can do is nod but i get the strength and i pull myself closer so my head is on his chest and he lays down on the bed.

He starts stroking my hair and I weirdly feel much better. "Thank... you.." I manage to say and he doesn't say anything in response.We just stayed there for what seems to be like hours until I fell asleep.


I wake to my annoying alarm, a tight grip on my waist and a groan. When I look up, I see Evan sleeping and my head is still on his chest.

I take my phone and I try to get off of him as quietly as possible. I get my clothes and turn to see Evan still sleeping.

As I am walking to the shower, I hope when I'm done he will still be there. After my shower, I quickly get dressed and make my way back to my dorm.

Zoey is back she is sitting on her bed, but Evan is gone. She looks at me and smiles. " How was your night?" as she looks at my bed,  I see a note. " date, i will pick you up at 7, wear something nice. Evan" I smile as I read the note.

I look at my phone and its 11:00. I got 6 more hours 'til I need to get ready so I need to waste time. " Zoey do you think I can borrow a dress? I don't have a dress and maybe tomorrow or something we can go shopping." I know I said some messed up things about her but I need to give her a chance.

She smiles and squeals " Omg yes! And can I do your make up?" i never wore makeup really I only wore mascara and lip gloss and  did she just say omg? "Um.. I don't know.."

" Oh please, please, PLEASE!!" I cant turn her down, she seems so excited and I want to try to do something new." Wait you know what lets go shopping now. I can get a new...."

Before I can finish, she has her shoes on and she is dragging me out of the dorm. When we get to the mall we go straight to Marshall's and I go to the dresses.

I pull out a long black dress that goes to my ankles and she makes a gagging sound causing me to laugh. She takes a short red dress, not too short, not too long and its really pretty.

I go to the dressing room to try it on. Once I put it on, I really like it. It shows all of my curves but in a really good way. I show zoey and her jaw drops. "WOW! you look amazing. Evan is going to be all over you!" I blush at that thought.

Wait, no I didn't blush...

I go back to take the dress off and give it to zoey. She tries to pay for it but I end up winning. I hate when people try to pay for me, I can take care of myself.

On the way back to the dorm, I cant help but to think I hated Evan and I planned on never speaking to him, but now I am going on a date with him and blushing when I see him. But when he was holding me while I was sleeping, I didn't have a nightmare, I had no dream and for the first time ever, i slept peacefully.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when I hear " Ok, lets go inside you have 3 hours to get dressed and stuff." as we make it back to the dorm i go to the restroom and turn the curling iron on and do my hair. Once I'm done with my loose curls I call zoey. She comes into the restroom with her make up bag.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now