When You're In The Darkness (30)

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Alyssas Pov

"are you sure you want to do this?" I nod. I cant lose my mom. She is the only one I have right now. I've been such a bitch to her and she put up with it. She let me walk all over her.

A-after what happened.. She covered up everything like it didnt happen. The dresses she wore for work, I remember the first time she look worried, scared that it could happen again. Thats why she always wore baggy stuff, but not anymore.

She gets mad at me at times but it always turned into both of us crying because she or me said something about it and she or me would scream something else regrettable, but we always resolved it because we only had each other. No one else.

My d- Joesph left and it made it worse on us, he had told mom that she was a disgusting whore for letting them do that to her and he even before he left he would look at me like I was some sort of monster, a disgusting creature that is always next to him... But the problem was that disgusting creature needed comfort..

I open the car door and jesse walks next to me. I hear harry open the door and I snap my head in his direction. " no, harry stay." Jesse commands. He shakes his head then looks at me. "i need to know you are going to be safe." He argues but I still stare at him. "i dont need your help. I'm not weak, I can take care of myself." I snap.

His mouth opens to say something but I glare at him and he closes it. Jesse grabs my arm and drags me inside. She puts in code after code until we reach a round table only with mark sitting in a chair at the end of it. I try my best not to jump over this table and punching his fa- wow he wore off on me too much... Sick..

" ah. Ms. alyssa! How are you? I heard that you were in the hospital. Yes?"

I just glare at him instead of answering. He knows I was because he put me there!

He chuckles then looks at jesse. "so I see that harry is here too, am I right?" I look at her with wide eyes. She told him harry was here! I knew I couldnt trust her.

"what? No." I see her fidgeting and I sigh.

I hear the door bust open followed by a body being shoved to the floor. I look to see the buff guy that attacked me, hit him in the stomach and he grunts. "HARRY!" I shout. I run over to him but the other guy gets in the way and shoves me back. I wince then sit up.

"WHERES MY MOM!" I scream at mark. He just chuckles again then looks at the other guy, which walks into a door behind mark. I look at the unconscious body of harry and I let out a shaky breath.

Minutes later I see my mom come out. " MOM!" I scream. I rush over to her only to get pulled back by the man. "ALYSSA! Whats happening?!" She shouts but as she tries getting anywhere closer, she gets pulled back by mark, fully separating us. He wraps his arm around her and I struggle to get out this guys grip. He puts one arm around my shoulder and the other around my neck.

" STOP PLEASE LET HER GO!" I shout and as jesse gets in front of mark, he pulls out a gun. I gasp then I start to struggle more. Please dont shoot... Please no.

"Dont hurt her.." Jesse says calmly while putting her hands up. " oh shut up. Now go before I shoot you." I whimper when I hear that. He is going to shoot someone and out of all people in here I hope its me. I cant let anyone die because of me. Not me.. I lived a shitty life and I dont care if this demon takes my soul away from me, because I dont need it anymore..

She backs away then another man comes in. He grabs her as well and covers her mouth to make her stop shouting curse words at him.

Mark sighs then places the gun at her temple. I struggle again, hopping to get out but I cant. " please, just let her go.." I whimper.

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