What Is Left Of Me. (39)

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Harry's POV
I start to fidget with my fingers as this asshole drives longer and farther from the people I know.

What the hell could mark possibly want from me? I don't fucking get it, I didnt do anything..

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when he stomps on the brakes, making me jump forward. He gets out and I hit the back of my head against the seat in annoyance. I hear the door unlock and I push it open, making him stumble back. I stride my way to the door, banging for entrance.

" They wont open the door for you, jackass." Well if he is still here, josh will open it. And as predicted, the door swings open revealing my dark haired friend at the door, but instead of seeing his usual crusty self, I see a man I dont recognize.

" Mr. Styles." He nods in acknowledgement. I stare back in awe as he stands at a perfect stance, no slouching, no red eyes having that he smoked before coming to work. Nothing of my old friend was to be seen, just a polished sack of shit that stands before me.

" Come, Mr. Hardin hasnt arrived yet. " he tells me as he clutches my arm, making me move forward.

" Dont fucking touch me." I growl at him but he just rolls his eyes after letting go. We make it into the conference room and he sits down, waiting for mark to come in and to get the honor of having him tell him to fuck off. Pathetic sack of-

" You know, glaring at me isnt going to get you out of this hell you created for yourself. " P.O.S tells me.

" I'm sorry, I didnt get your name, I just kept hearing shit come out of that mouth of yours. "

" Joseph. And I wouldnt be saying anything because I hear you were the one that was too weak to be in this partnership."

"Partnership? You call this a partnership? Yea, this is anything but. Dont you get it? He is using everyone here!" I explode but he just shakes his head in amazement.

" No, you dont get it. He helped us, he is helping us but you were the ungrateful one. He called you his fucking star shooter! Out of all people, he favored you! And for what? Because you knew how to get away with murder? Because you had no heart, no soul that it was so easy to just kill someone in front of you while you looked them in the eyes? You are the definition of evil, of a demon because you had no fucking remorse! They begged you! They begged for you to stop but you didnt care! I mean you'd come back here with blood all over you because ' You ran out of bullets.' What the fuck kind of shit is that?! Everything you touch turns into blood! So please tell me again about the devil." he finishes and I look at him, only seeing red.

" Fuck you! I had a reason-"

" What?! Because daddy wasnt there for you when your whore of a mother stuck a needle in her arm and left you! Get the fuck over it!" I feel myself go over the edge when he brings her up again. I tackle him to the ground, completely unconscious of my surroundings anymore.

I feel my fist connect with his face, making my inner demons moan in pleasure seeing blood ooze from his nose, knowing I caused it. Repeatedly, my knuckles connect with his face, leaving tracks in its wake. I missed this. I hear him grunt as I use all my strength hitting his jaw.

I see a momentary darkness as he punches back, making me fall back. I screw my eyes shut as I fall against the gun pushing into my back but once I open them, the deadly metal is in between my eyes, leaving me breathless.

Jesses POV

I throw the phone in anger as harry hangs up on me. Fuck!

I tried calling again and again but he doesn't answered. Where the hell is he? Why doesn't he want to be found? He seems so lost and broken.. It sickens me and hurts me at the same time.

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