You Left me (31)

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After making sure Evan is gone, I dig into my pocket and I get out my phone. This thing is hurting my hip but I don't know what else to do with it. I dial jesse's number and I put it up to my ear. I cant calm my breathing.. Its like I need her with me right now.. Its... Different..

" Harry! Oh god, are you ok? What happened?" She asks frantically and I finally catch my breath.

"where are you? Where is Alyssa?" I ask. I hear her sigh then she answers. " back at her house.." She hangs up the phone before I can say anything else. What the hell? I push myself off the wall and I run to a cab and tell him alyssa's address. It turns out that they took my car.. Damn.

After an hour, I finally get there and I pay then jump out of the car.

I run to the door and swing it open. The sight that I see is truly terrifying. Alyssa, with blood on her clothes and a bandage on her left ear.

"Alyssa! Oh my.. Are you ok?" I ask frantically as I hold her cheeks in my hands. She nods and then moves away from me to her mum. I sigh then look at Jesse and I see an unknown emotion on her face.

" I need to talk to you." I whisper to her, she looks at me confused but nods anyways.

Here goes nothing... How am I going to tell her..

"what happened? What did he say? Did he hurt you?" She asks as soon as we enter the kitchen. I shake my head. I pull out the deadly object and I show it to her. I see her eyes get wide and they look glossy. " jess.. He wants me to do it." I don't want to say anything that might end up her screaming at me.

"no- no you cant- you cant do that!" She whimpers and I sigh.

"i don't know what else to do.." I mutter. If I don't, it will kill her.. Both of them.

I see her expression change from sadness to anger then she shoves my chest, making me hit the counter. " no! You cant do that! I swear to god I will shoot you down before you even go near him with that thing!" She shouts but only loud enough for me to hear.

I don't know what came over me but I just snapped. " really! Now you want to protect him! Your the one trying to break him, your the one that went against him! And don't tell me that you didn't have have a choice because before I left, I went to you. I asked you to come with me! And what did you do? You said no! And don't say that you couldn't because you could' ve but your were too fucking stupid!" I shout back and I see her take a step back.

I see her flare her nostrils. " Well at least I'm not a fucking murderer!"

"yea, but you helped people SO much, huh?" I say sarcastically. She shakes her head in disbelief. " fuck you Harry!"

" yea, well your not my type." I scoff. She looks at me with wide eyes then she takes a step closer then the burning sensation spreads across my cheek. Then I see her walk out of the kitchen before i can get her.

Fuck.. I try to calm my breathing before I come back to living room.

I don't get it, its like she is worried about me then she makes threats and it pisses me off.. What is she doing to me? She is like a fucking mystery to me.


" Alyssa?" I ask as I lightly shake her shoulder. She turns her head and I see tears roll down her cheeks. " what did I do?"

I sigh then sit next to her. " you saved your mom." I assure her. I see her look at her sleeping mother then down at her hands. " at what cost? Am I going to- is he going to make-"

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