I Keep Pushing People away (13)

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I wake to alyssa moving away from me. I try to get her back but she its already out of bed. I don't move but instead of opening my eyes, I listen. I hear the shower running and I stand up. I open the door and I see her clothes...well my shirt on the floor. I silently take my clothes off and I get in with her..... Oh God. She has her back turned from me and the way her perfect body is soaked and her hair is a darker blond. I have to control my self from grabbing her and fucking her right here.

I wrap one of my arms around her and she jumps. I laugh and she turns around, escaping my grasp, and covers her body with her arms. Her face gets red as she looks at my body."don't cover your body, its perfect." I move closer and I remove her arms from her body. I admire her chest and down and I bite my lip and I smile. I think of all the dirty things I want to do to her. She smiles and lightly hits me. "get out evan. wait your turn damn it" she laughs and I join. "but it will be quicker this way, and this is my shower." I state and she frowns. "please." I add. I know how silly I sound but she seems to like it so..

she smiles but tries to cover it with her hand and I move closer and put her back to the wall and I pin my body on hers and she let's out a moan. "I want you alyssa." I whisper in her ear and she nods. I look at her face and her eyes are shut and she is biting her lip. I lean in and I kiss her neck slowly, and torturous. she grabs the back of my neck and I start to lower but I stop wincing in pain.

"shit" I say quietly. I don't want her to hear me, I want to feel her and if she hears me then she will stop. I quickly look at her and she is completely in a trance with her eyes closed tight. "evan" she whispers and I can't help myself. I start kissing her and I bend down and again I stop because of the pain. without thinking, I grab Alyssa's thigh and she grabs my hair.. she likes it rough, dirty, good. Because if she knew why I really did that then this moment would end even when I want it to last forever. I kiss her inner thigh and I whisper "shit" and I grab my side.

Why do I have to be in pain now, if it had stopped now I would be able to take any pain knowing that this moment happened. "evan!" she bends down I cuss at myself for letting her hear me. she shuts the water off and gets out. I stay put and my pain keeps coming. she comes back with a towel and she helps me out. she sets me on the couch and I lay down. she, in only a towel, bends down and she looks terrified for me. Her eyes look frantically at my face then my bandages. "what do I do?" she sounds more terrified then her expression. "it's fine it..... Will go away soon." I shut my eyes and try to make the pain feel like it's not there. "did you even take your medication?"

"...yea" I lie, I didn't want to take that shit, i didn't need to, until now. she goes to the bed room and comes back with the pills. "here take it." she commands and I do as I'm told. I tilt my head back and the pills go down my throat. I look at her and she sighs. she, slowly and carefully, picks up my head and sits down and sets my head on her lap. we are both naked but I can't do anything to her. "how are you so strong?" she puts her hand through her hair and i see her eyes water but she wipes it away. "um..when my mom gave up on cleaning up his mess, i did."

She flips her hair to the other side. I grab her hand. "its ok you dont have to tell me." she nods and i just stare. She grabs the remote changes the channel til some movie comes on then gets up and goes to the bedroom. She comes back fully clothed and i go in the room to get dressed as well. I come back in a black t-shirt and basketball shorts. I look at alyssa and her eyes are glued on the Tv.

I look at the screen and see a young couple driving and some lady swerves to avoid a dog wandering on the road and crashes through a covered bridge, diving into the river below. I slowly sit back down and i pick alyssas legs and put them on my lap. "what the fuck is this?" i look at her with disgust and she frowns. "i used to watch it when i was little." i raise my eyebrow and she sighs. "its Beetlejuice" i look back at the screen and a guy with glasses tries to leave the house to retrace his steps as he says, but finds himself in a strange place covered in sand and populated by a sandworm im assuming.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now