My Loneliness Was Wrangling Windows, (7)

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i walk to my next class and i see the one person i didn't want to. Harry is talking to a guy with blond hair and his blue eyes are memorizing. Harry spots me and looks at the ground. i walk to the only seat left and its next to him. how fucking great.

the blond looks at me and smiles."hi my name is niall." he looks at harry and nudges him and walks away. "um hi again." he smiles then pulls his hair out of his face."um hey." i wave and he looks away.the whole class is painfully long and i just want to leave now. I walk to my next class and i see harry walking the same direction. I dont want things to be awkward and i dont want to walk by my self. " are you following me?"

i look at him and he is staring at me smiling "nope. are YOU?" i smile "yup all day" i laugh and he joins in.

We walk in the same class and i sit down in front and he follows me. Me and him are just talking about classes and he makes cheesy jokes here and there and i laugh. class ends as fast as it starts and i walk out. We keep talking and laughing about random things and a girl comes up and says

"wow you two do make a cute couple." his eyes get wide. "no no she is taken"  "yea i have a boyfriend." she shakes her head. "shame" and walks away. I see evan and he grabs my waist and whispers "I've missed you." i nod and evan notices harry.

"why are you here?" he still gives him a blank stare "cause i can." and walks away. "i really hate him."  i laugh.

"you have noting to worry about."

he kisses the back of my head and walks me to his car. "you should sleep at my place again." "um ok let me get clothes." he drives me to my dorm, which doesnt take long and i get what i got last time.

As i walk back to the car i see zoey."hey i havent seen you in 2 days" she hugs me. "oh i just been sleeping over." she bends down to the cars level and gasps. "wow i didnt know you liked to move fast good for you. is he good?"

"what?" she chuckles.

"in bed duh." my mouth drops and she giggles.

"No! we aren't doing that." She looks at her watch. It looks nice maybe i should get one.

"well its only a matter of time.but hey i need to go i got a date to get ready for, a real one." she smiles. "wish me...." evan honks the horn and we both jump.

"ok bye." she says and walks away. I get in the car and evan looks away."damn took forever." i playfully hit him on the shoulder. 'did not.' the ride to his apartment is in silence.

i cant help but to think about what zoey said its only a matter of time. what if she is right but i mean im not ready.."hey are you ok" im pulled out of my thoughts. "yea im fine."

"are you sure?"


"yea." we walk back to his apartment and i set my bag in his room. I feel his hands on my waist." you keep avoiding your dream and telling me."

i dont want to tell him and that night was so..real that it never left my mind. " i dont know.." i answer truthfully. "pleaseee" he sits on the edge of the bed where it happened and he pulls me so im in front of him and he holds my hands. "ok um we were kissing in the living room." he stands up and walks me to the living room "here?" "yea and.."

i think i can take it from here." he lifts me and i wrap my legs around him but instead of putting me on the bed he sets me on his coffee table. He stops kissing me and takes off my shirt. He looks at me and he bites his lip and cusses under his breath.

"your so beautiful." i cant believe this is happening. He takes my skirt off and i try to cover my body. "no dont you don't need to do that you have a amazing body,"

he removes my hands and starts kissing me again. His fingers travel down my stomach and plays with the fabric of my underwear.

His hand reaches in and i gasp. Oh my.. it feels so good.Better than i thought. i grab his hair and kisses me again.

"tell me how it feels." he says but i cant speak i just nod."say it" he commands and goes faster. i let out a moan and he smiles. Then he stops and i whine i try to pull his and back but he jerks it away.

"say it or your going to have to finish your self off." "evan..please" i cant believe he is doing this. He takes off my underwear and bends down.

He does the same thing he did in my dream. i moan then i bite my hand to make my self stop and he removes it."

i want them to hear my name." he says and he goes faster with his tongue and i finally moan "evan" and i tug his hair and he moans."louder" he commands and i listen.

I moan his name louder and i close my legs and arch my back as im about to become undone.

He opens my legs again and he holds me still by putting his arm around my thigh. He goes faster and starts flicking his tongue.

i come undone and he stands and i try to catch my breath. He leaves and comes back with a towel."here" he opens my legs again and wipes my legs. After he is done he kisses my thigh and i stand to go and take a shower.

The water feels good against my skin i replay that moment over and over and i cant help  but to smile. only minutes ago i said i wasnt ready and now i was moaning his name on the coffee table. After i am done i go into the bedroom and i see his shirt and his underwear on the bed but i only take the shirt.

"dont look." i said and he smiles."so i can take your clothes off and make you come but i cant watch you change?"i blush and i put his shirt on and my underwear and i jump in bed. He grabs me and i get on top of him and his hands are on my waist.

His thumb trails my chin."your perfect" i smile and i kiss him on the forehead.

i feel so normal when im with him. i want to be like this forever. i get off and i look at the time its 11:35. i lay next to him and he pulls me closer."stay with me alyssa." i smile."forever." he kisses my head and we both fall asleep.

(hope you like the story if you want drama there will be some its brewing . but make sure to comment and vote BYE)

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