But Its Replaced (42)

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Jesse's POV

My eyes snap open as I cough and try to reach for air. God, my lungs feel as if they could explode at any moment..

I can't move without pain surging throughout my body.

My wide-open eyes move with pointless speed, I want to see the gray sky and space all around - not the strong smell of leather and darkness.

My headaches as thousands of noises crash over me the faster he drives, overriding my senses and setting my brain into this fucking chemical soup.

I feel slow desolate tears run from my unblinking eyes and drip as the cocktail of endorphin's wander too far, like the closeness, the sameness, the noises are robbers at the door, banging for entrance.

I feel so lost in his lies. The only thing that was there after searching for so long was betrayal. It slowly seeped in how much of a fool I have been, thinking that he could actually love me as he loves her. I feel my eyes slowly close as I try to drown out the fake promises and reality until I hear his voice quietly call out to me.

" We are here. Get up."

I feel my muscles tighten when his voice echoes through the car.


I hear him get out, and my door open.

Don't you fucking dare..

His hands appear from nowhere and tighten around my wrist, making me wince. As I look down, I see that his knuckles are white from his strong grip.

"H- Harry, you're h- hurting me.." I stutter but he just doesn't care. I turn to fight it but I find my feet dragging along the cement as I lose my balance.

" Get up!" He shouts but I just try to drop lower. I cry out in pain as my knees meet the cement. He grunts as he sees that I won't listen.

" damn it, Jesse! " I feel his hands reach under my arms and pull me back up and at this point, I can't breathe, it feels as if he is choking me.

My heart was racing and all I want to do was curl up into a ball and wait for someone to save me. But no one is going to try and be a hero for me.

I knew no one would, because the only person who I thought I could trust was turning me into the devil.

A choked cry for help forced itself up my throat, and I feel more tears down my cheeks. It seems as if this was the end of the road for me.

Harry's POV

Every time she moved or struggled in the back seat, my grip got tighter and tighter on the steering wheel.

I'm really doing this.. I'm turning in one of my friends..

But who am I kidding? She already hated and was scared of me ever since she saw me....

When I came back with my victim's blood coated over my fingers like caramel over an apple, only a brilliant red instead of soft golden brown.

I would watch as her eyes lock onto my hands to see each finger move, entranced by the new color on my skin.

I knew I should've felt repulsed, eager to wash it off but instead, I felt a laughter building in my stomach, a joy like I've never known. Killing, it seemed, was my thing. I was good at it. Already my mind flicked to my past and possible future victims, churning over scenarios while I drove faster.

Trouble..(Evan peters/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now