Your Shadow Leaves You (29)

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Alyssas Pov

"no, no dont touch me. " I whisper, moving my hands back and forth making the gesture no clear to him.

"Alyssa..." He tries to grab my hand but I jerk away.

"NO! I said dont fucking touch me! " I scream.

"Alyssa stop let me explain.." He says getting closer. But I step away.

"No I dont need an explanation I know exactly whats going on." I snap. I cant even look at him. I had to do this at one point now he is making it easier.

"Alyssa no you dont." "you need to wake up, we both need to wake up! You know this wasnt going to work out!" I shout.

"Fuck...I was naive even when I thought I wasnt. I was so selfish that i didnt care that I was in danger because I was in love." I say the last word like it was poison. " i'm pathetic....your pathetic for actually thinking..." I trail off trying to think of what to say. My mind is going crazy and I dont know what to do. I loved him. I needed him. I still do.

"No actually your more pathetic than I am, that you thought that I loved you! Love is just a fucking ignorant myth. I - I used you to get that fucking nightmare out of my head! "

"Then why are you crying!" He shouts

"Because I just lost my play thing." I spat then slammed the door. I see the elevator open and I get in once I turn around I see evan coming out the door. Once he sees me he runs toward me. "Alyssa stop." He shouts and I press a button to close it faster but he slides through.

Evans pov

I cant get the imagine out of my head. Alyssa on her knees, about to cry. I run to my room to see taisse on the bed messing with her fingers.I bend down to the floor and I put my pants back on. " evan where are you going?" Taisse asks and I roll my eyes. "get out." I demand. She looks shocked for a second then crawls over to the end of the bed near me.

"but evan what about what just happened?" She asks quietly and I shake my head. "I SAID GET THE HELL OUT!" I shout and I can see her about to cry. "give me my shirt." I demand again but she slams her fist into the bed. " evan you were just smiling and moaning, why are you being an asshole now." She whimpers and I go to the closet to get a new shirt when she doesnt give me the one she is wearing.

" YOU LEFT ME WITHOUT SAYING ONE FUCKING THING! " I snap. She whimpers again and I see a tear fall. Only if I still loved her. "keep the shirt just get out." I said as I ran out of the room to go to someone that I still loved.

I see alyssa get into the elevator and wipe her tears away. " alyssa stop." I shout as I close the door. I see her eyes get big and presses a button repeatedly. Just before the door closes completely I slide in. "evan what the hell are you doing?" She snaps and I cant help but to snap back.

The door closes behind me and I step closer to her. " I think your right, I think you were just in love with the idea of me." I say as I take another step, inches from her face. I can see the hurt in her eyes, but she tries to hide it. I keep hearing that damn beep from the elevator every time we pass a floor.

I cant think straight as the sound seems to get louder by every second we dont speak. I slam my fist on the emergency stop button so we are in between floors.

"stop.." she tries to press the button again but I get in the way. "evan stop, let me go. I dont want to look at you right now." She says quietly. She needs to hear me out but I dont know how to explain it. "listen to me." I plead but she shakes her head.

"that mark tells me alot." She snaps. Mark? I place my hand were its sore and I look at her in confusion. God damn it taisse. "why?" She whimpers. She isnt trying to hide the hurt and disappointment in her eyes anymore.

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