Part 12: Ponyboy's POV

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We went home and went to sleep
"Hey Ponyboy, I gonna go to the bookstore wanna come, I'm looking for a certain book" Jesse asked "sure I'll come with you" I told her and we left the house, Steve was taking the afternoon shift, so he just gave us a ride before he went to work. We stepped in and the first thing I spot is a worker at the cashier. It's that guy, the one that Jesse bumped into yesterday. I didn't like him, but I don't think Jesse spotted him right away. "Come on, I think the book is this way. she went into the "teen fiction" section and we saw an isle of amazing looking books. I couldn't buy any because I already had all of them. she went to a shelf and it said "books by S. E. Hinton. There were three books. I saw a book called "Tex", "Rumble Fish" "and That was then, this is now" I haven't read them, so we grabbed all of them and decided we would take turns, she would read one while I read the other and we would rotate. There was only one worker now, because the guy we saw yesterday went to the back. Thank god. We were next and we were waiting for the person in front of us to pay, but the guy came from the back and called the next person, us. We went to pay and Jesse realised it was him. "Hi again" he said with a huge smile. "Hi" she said, smiling back. "You look like someone I used to know." "Really?" " yeah, you look like the person who gave me this keychain, along with a getaway bag, but the bag is at my house, I carry the keychain around everywhere" he said and took out a small black keychain with a silhouette of buildings that said "New York" over it. He started talking again "I came here because I heard they moved here to get away from something, i don't know what but I've been looking for them, a brother and sister. " then I watched Jesse as her eyes widened "Wait, I used to have that keychain but I gave it away along with a bag to someone." "JASIAH?" "OH MY GOSH TRENT IS THAT YOU?" "YES ITS ME" and they hugged over the counter "How are you Jesse? Wait I think the line is waiting, why don't you two come to dinner with me, I'll bring my friend, her name is Cherry. We'll all go out to dinner as friends." "Oh I know Cherry, Cherry Valance" I told him "great, so on Saturday at seven, come to my house and then we'll go to a restaurant from there, here's my address." To day was Thursday, so I guess in 2 days"Okay, we'll se you there" Jesse said and we walked out of the store. He seems nice, I don't like him.

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