Part 18: Ponyboy's POV

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What did Trent want now, I was thinking as I opened the door. "Hi Trent" I said "Hi Ponyboy, is Jesse here?" "Yeah, she's right here" I said as she came to the door. "Oh hi Trent" she said with a friendly smile. "Hi Jesse, do you want to go out for lunch?" Oh no, he did not just ask that then Jesse answered "sure! I would love to, come Ponyboy we're going to get lunch" what is she doing? Then as we were all about to walk out the door, Trent stopped me. "No Pony, just me and her." He said, I had my hands in fists and I would've punched him but Jesse interrupted us "No, I think it's okay for my boyfriend to come with us Trent." So that's where she was going with this. "BOYFRIEND?!?!" He yelled "Yeah, and if you're not okay with it you can just walk away" she said. She started getting angry at him, but she still managed to look beautiful. Trent gave up "fine, I don't need you, I never did anyway, go date a greaser, live your life with this white trash, whatever." Then that was when Jesse got furious. "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO US" she yelled, but before he could answer, she punched him right in the jaw. He didn't fight back, he took the punch and left saying "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT DAMAGE IM GOING TO DO TO YOUR LIFE" and he was gone. Jesse had a scared face, she turned to me, hugging me. "What is he going to do now" she asked, and started to tear up. "I won't let him do anything, I promise, you'll be safe as long as I'm around." We went inside and soda was stretched out on the couch. "Hey lovebirds, Steve and I are going to the movies later today, wanna tag along?" He asked "sure we'll come" Jesse said. Then she mumbled something, but I heard it "anything to get my mind off what Trent will do to me. We went to the movies, by now it was around 9 in the afternoon, and Jesse's eyes are the size of the moon. (Hahaha that last sentence is for people who listen to Panic! At the disco) we sneaked into the movies and got seats in the front. Jesse looked up at me. "Ponyboy, are we going to be okay?" "Yes, I promise, the worst that could happen is one of us dying" "no it's not, the worse is us living without eachother" that gave me the chills, what if she's right, what if Trent takes her away,but doesn't kill me, what if I have to live without her, wait, but he can't steal her, that would be kidnapping, and that's illegal. "I promise, he can't take you away, if he does, I'll call the cops on him." I told her, and the movie started. And we quietly watched with my arm around her shoulder.

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