Part 22: Jesse's POV

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They took me and drove me to a big building with the words 'TULSA CITY JAIL' written on it. They led me in and opened a cell for me, inside was a familiar looking buff dude, he didn't scare me though. "Okay Jasiah Winston. You will stay in here for one week, the Trent kid said you're pretty dangerous so we will move you to the Los Angeles city jail after that one week, where there is a safer security so you won't get out." What about Ponyboy, how will he raise the money to move to LA, oh no, what have I gotten us into. The police left and I just sat in my jail thinking. The other guy in my cell was staring at me. he didn't look like the people in the tv shows that hate everything. He had muscles,dirty blonde hair, greyish green eyes and a tattoo under his ear that had the initials TJ in some cool font, it wasn't a big, bold tattoo, it was small. Trent had one just like it but instead of TJ it said AJ, being my curious self I asked, "what does you tattoo stand for." he turned to look at me. "Why do you care." "I don't know, I guess I was trying to start a conversation, I'm kind of bored here." He smiled to himself, but it wasn't that friendly, like he was laughing at what I had said. "They're the initials of my little brother's name, he has one of my initials too. My name's Andrew by the way." "That's really cute, I'm Jasiah." "It's not cute, nothing I do is cute, I'm tough" I looked at him "what'd you get in here for?" I asked him. He sighed like he had to recite every country in the world. "Well, my brother moved to Tulsa without telling us so to look for him I sneaked on a train here and got caught, you?" I didn't want to tell him I murdered my own father "I- I robbed a grocery store" then I thought of Dally and tears grew in my eyes. ''Oh that's how my old pal got in here. Back in New York, he was only ten and he stole some cokes for us, his little sister helped him, but he took the blame for her." The thought of dally got stronger and sadder, that's the first time he got arrested too, and he took the blame for me too. His gang in New York tried helping him, but it didn't work. Wait... I had to ask just in case, "What was your pals name?" "Dallas, why"

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