Chapter 1: A Dream

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For more drawings go to my Instagram account! @its_heartfilia I'm not all that good and not really patient enough to complete the entire drawing but whatever! 😁 I'm so happy to finally publish this! I worked so hard on this story!
I hope you enjoy!

There's nothing better than coming back from work after a long double shift and going home to take a shower and pick up my feet on my bed that's been waiting for me since I left this morning. I swear, I hate working so much in a restaurant. If only life didn't hate me so much to give me such a crapy job. It's the only one I could find. There's nothing else I can stand really, but work is work... And life is just unfair

Driving home was just the start of my night. Working a double on the weekends is the most annoying thing since man kind has been created. Just kidding, don't want to be that dramatic, but still.

Once I got out the shower, with my sore feet, my phone vibrated showing that I received a message. No, it wasn't a message. What do I look like? I don't have friends. I'm a complete loner. Maybe that's what I need to work on, stop whining about life and go to school like my mom wants me to do. I hate school and I hate work... So what do I want to do? I want to stay locked in my room in the dark with my phone and games until I grow tired, that would be my dream job. But then again... It'll end up making me fat and then where will I be? Oh right, fat

No, it wasn't a message I received, it was a reminder to get ready for the next day. Now I don't know why I torture myself like this. I guess I want to make it to the point where I'm so tired of my life that I'll actually get some motivation to actually do something!

Ignoring the stupid reminder, I got something from the fridge. Of course it would be something unhealthy, and went back to my room to lay down and grab my 3DS. The screen turned on. Immediately clicking the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: button, I went to my second saved file, since the first one was completed, and begun the new game I've been wanting to play since I completed the first file the other night

Legend of Zelda is truly the best game I had ever played. It's confusing with all its puzzles, it's long as hell, which makes it all more adventurous. It's exciting, it makes you think the hell out your brain, and the story plot is wonderful. I'm a sucker for story plots in video games more than the puzzles, but aside the point. This game is the only one I own at the moment and it's the best I have out of all my collection of other DS games I have stuffed into my Pikachu backpack

The intro where the Great Deku tree started talking began, telling of a young boy who doesn't have a fairy. I remember hearing about the Legend of Zelda when I was a kid but I never took interest in it until I became an adult. I regret never knowing about it so it could have been part of my childhood. I'm like a child now, so I guess it still counts

Playing through the game took me forever, but once you do something right, you pretty much have it memorized. I'm sure I can succeed in this file instead of taking me months to complete the other.

Seeing Link and moving him to do all these things is fascinating to see. Often seeing videos showing that gamers going into real war, since their aware abilities are all high, I sometimes wonder if I'll be able to handle being in Hyrule with all this evil and darkness taking over. Anything would be better than being in this world with no path to go to. I don't even know what I like doing. I like drawing and playing games, and there are people out there who can make a career out of that, but I don't have... That motivation. I hate myself for being useless. If I could be in any game, it would probably be in the Ocarina of Time, since I already know everything that has happened. One can only dream... All though, I can't lift anything to save my life and I totally sucked in karate, so how would I even be useful there either? It's like I love putting myself down, I can't help it

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