Chapter 21: Confidence

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Gerudo Valley was filled with people buying items from the market in every corner. Link and I just ran out of food we packed for the trip on Epona through Hyrule field. Now it's time we can enjoy ourselves just for a little bit and rest in a motel around here... Or where Pride lives and let us stay

"I kind of like this place. The atmosphere feels unique and there's people here you wouldn't see in Hyrule" Link smiled at his surroundings. I smiled at his amazement. It made me happy to see him like this. I can still remember when he was only a emotionless child and even the time when he was confused to know how to feel about anything. He has almost every piece back all expect for Pride and Regret... Those are going to be two very important pieces to complete his Triforce of courage. Confidence and consequences are two important things a person's mind must have in order to get through the worse and succeed

"I know! This is exactly what I thought when I came here to get your Goron sword!" He looked surprised

"Oh! So this is the place you got it from? But it's so far away! Who did you-" he face palmed "I mean... It hope it wasn't too much for you to come all the way here for my sake" I smiled

"It's fine! I rode of the owl so it took less time than we had with Epona. This is where I found another one of your pieces"

"Really?" He gasped

"Another piece? Which one?" Navi asked. Before I spoke, I heard someone laugh across the market, dragging towards us. We looked up when seeing Pride, wearing the Keaton mask I lend him, jumping from every tent top to another, carrying a bag with what looked like fruit. One apple fell out and casually landed on in my hands

He was being chased by shop owners holding swords to punish him for what he did. I sighed and crossed my arms, blowing on a strand of my hair away from my face

"Causing trouble I see" I sighed again

"What was that? Did you know that guy?" Link asked. I placed a nervous smile

"That's your pride!" He looked confused before going after the men chasing Pride. I followed not too far behind. Pride made a sharp turn, disappearing into a lone dark alleyway. The men who were doing the chasing got angry and left, giving up. Link and I looked at each other

"I thought you said I was done with the negative emotions" he frowned

"Well.. Regret is sort of a negative emotion, it'll just lead you to know not to do something reckless and see the consequences... Aside from that. Each piece has their own lives they choose to create with every individual personality. Pride is a thief, but don't think he's a bad person..."

"W-well... I already know that... It's just that" he stared at the alley "why does he steal if the pieces don't eat?" That's a really good question. We took matters into our own hands and went into the narrow alleyway Pride ran to to lead us into a very wasted looking home complex. Every building looked like it was getting ruined by the process of erosion.

There was trash everywhere and there were even people sitting on the side of the road with ripped clothing "oh my..." It also seemed so dark even if it was a shiny day. Link and I walked through the street, trying not to stare at the very few of the people staring at us.

We heard children laughing. Up ahead was a bunch of kids with their families sitting together and laughing, having a feast of some sorts.

The children who were laughing and having a good time weren't seeing where they were going and almost ran into us. A young girl with a scar on her eye ran into me. She looked scared before she even saw who she hit and froze when she made eye contact with me. She stared in awe before her friends noticed and surround me

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