Chapter 14: Sorrow

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I stared down at Link the Goron crying in front of me. 7 years had pass and Darunia had a child named after Link. This little one is the only one that hasn't been prisoned by Ganondorf wanting to feed the other Goron's to volvagia, the dragon that had been revived and  taking over death mountain.

Link the Goron said Darunia had went out to fight the dragon while Link was out freeing the trapped Gorons. The sense of evil had grown stronger, I can feel it. It was awfully hot outside for my comfort... So I used the Moon song to cool the place down. It's going to last for 12 hours, so I better hurry or I won't be able to handle the heat here. The cool air outside had magic within thanks to the song it came from. It follows me and is now covering the air around me. Even Link the Goron made a comment about it, but wasn't bothered

I lifted my hand to let the cool air brush off, turning into steam when touching the hot air. Strange... "But... I know Link and my dad will save us" Link the Goron put on a smile. Poor thing... He doesn't know what's going to happen to his father

"Of course" I kneeled down to reach his height "but listen to me Link... If there will be a day something may happen to your father, you must be strong and lead your people" he softly nodded. I stood up "Link is wearing the Goron Tunic... Right?" He nodded, sniffling

"Yeah... I gave it to him after taking it from the Goron shop... No one was there so I took it" I smiled

"I'm sure it won't be missed..." I yawned strongly, almost loosing my balance. I was so tired... I shouldn't have left Link. He wouldn't had just went up here to find me. It's good that he came though... The evil surrounding us is growing by the minute

"Will this ice keep me protected..?" I stared at my glittery skin and the frosty air surrounding it "I have to go now and help Link..." I looked around to look for Sorrow, but he wasn't anywhere in sight. I couldn't even feel his aura. Did Link already take it? No, only I can give him his pieces... Where is Sorrow..?

"You're going out..? No! It's dangerous! We have to stay here! It's more safe for us!" Link the Goron took my hand, having steam escape between our touch. I smiled, petting his head

"I have to... Please, I have a question. Do you know of a boy who looks like Link? Who lives here and is always sad?" Link the Goron stared before nodding

"Oh! You mean Sorrow!" I nodded "I was a surprise to see that Link the human looked  like him. Dad said they look like each other, but he knew that Sorrow wasn't really him! Link's eyes are blue, Sorrow's eyes were... Red"

"Take me to him, please. It's a emergency" Link the Goron pointed behind me. I turned around to see Link with glowing red eyes... Wearing nothing but shorts and paint on his skin. I cupped my cheeks as I blushed like crazy. I felt hot all over, even if I was surrounded by frost. Oh goddess! His abs! When did he get those?!

Link stared at me with a sad look on his face. He rushed to me to wrap his arms around me. All I could think about was his naked body holding me. Steam surrounded us... And I don't think it's because of the frost... It's hot!!

"S-Sorrow..." My hand ran in his hair "how are you..?"

"I thought something happened to you!" I frowned as he sniffled on my shoulder "why did you just leave!? I was worried!" His pieces were connected to him, so I'm not surprised that this Link knows what happened

"I-I'm sorry..." His eyes widened and he pulled on his roots, shaking like mad like he just remembered something "tell me, what are you wanting to express... What's wrong..?" He started sobbing

"I'm not really a Kokiri... My whole life was a lie... Saria and Fado left... Everything hurts... I'm so devastated!" I held his cheeks

"There you go, don't hold it in... I'm right here. Don't be afraid to cry"

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