Chapter 18: Love

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I woke up from a nap, seeing Love smiling down at me "were you staring at me sleeping?" I raised a brow a little amused. He chuckled and moved away so I can sit up. I looked at the blood still on my skirt. I started shaking again... S-so it wasn't a dream... That time really happened, but didn't..? I could had prevented this... That timeline wouldn't have to exist if I just thought quicker!

"Hey..." Love sat next to me on the bed I was on, wrapped his arm around me and kiss my temple. My eyes widened and my face reddened. I looked up at him shocked. He wore the more beautiful smile I had ever seen from him

"Link..?" The way he's looking at me... He moved my hair to behind my ear. My face was burning up at how close he was

"You don't know how seeing you made me worry. How are you feeling?" I looked down at my clothing, but he didn't let me by holding my chin. My heart was beating so fast, I was out of breath already. So much has happened... I'm still exhausted. My throat was sore and I feel so weak. Remembering the cause of it, I started crying again. Love wiped away my tears and held me close "there there... It's alright" he rubbed my arm, calming me

"I hope he'll be okay... I don't know what I'll do if anything happens again..."

"What happened? Why did you have all that blood on you? Whose blood is that?" I looked back at him. Before speaking, he stopped me "no, don't tell me. I don't want you crying again" he walked to the cabinet of a small room to hand me some folded clothes

"There's a wash room with two buckets of clean water. Feel free to use it. I'll be waiting on the roof" he gave a sweet smile before walking out the door... Waiting on the roof?

What I noticed what he was wearing was a lab coat... He must live somewhere around the laboratory in Lake Hylia. I took the bath like he said I should have and actually took my time just splashing water on my hair. Two buckets isn't going to cut it... My hair is too long and the ends still have blood on it

Managing to get it all off, I dressed in a casual light blue dress with white long sleeves and held my previous bloody outfit in my arms. The shirt was covered in it, but the gold thread was untouched. My instincts got a hold of me and got me to touch the thread, then lift my hand and remove it from the material. The thread floated above my palms like a light. I placed the glowing thread on my shirt I wore on at the moment, instead of the other. It feels like I refuse to be apart of this thread... I wanted it on me and I feel better when it is. Soon... I'll get to figure out everything about who I am and how I know everything, mostly...

After doing all that magic abra kadabra stuff, I walked outside to see myself on top of the roof... Oh, this is what he meant. Love sat on the end of the roof of the laboratory I was talking about earlier, staring down at a clip board while fixing his... Glasses?

"Love?" He turned to look at me and smiled. Standing up, he noticed the thread on my shirt

"That thread..." I touched the upside down triangle "how did you put it on so fast?"

"Oh you know... Magic" he nodded with a smile and took my hand to unexpectedly spin me around. He tilted his head to the side and smiled again. He sure likes smiling... It makes me happy to see something like that "say... How's Link doing?"

"Oh, he's fine. Don't worry. He's fighting the big water monster right now" I gasped, cupping my mouth

"So... H-he defeated Dark Link?" He bit his lip. I felt myself becoming very bubbly "he defeated his dark side of his dark heart! Yes! Now I have to prevent anything else that may kill him!"

"What?" I looked back at how confused Love looked

"U-uh... Nothing" I don't want to freak him out "is he okay with the fight..?" He smiled again and nodded

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