Chapter 16: Lake Hylia

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We made it to the end of the ice cavern. I wore Link's green tunic while he wore the Goron tunic for warmth. This tunic is so thick and warm... I can see why he likes wearing it so much.

As we walked, I jumped when a white wolf came out of nowhere and attacked. Link moved me out the way to fight it. Sensing someone staring at us, I looked up to see Sheik watching us from a high block of ice when Link easily killed the wolf

"Sheik..." I frowned. Link looked up and gasped surprised to see her, or him. What I'm more surprised at is that she just knows where we're at even if the temples we decide to come to is completely randomized

"We meet again, Link... Blue maiden" she jumped off to face us "if you came here to meet the Zoras, you wasted your time... This is all there is..." She looked at me, like she knew I already knew of that fact "with one exception, the zoras are now sealed under this thick ice sheet"

"What about princess Ruto? Did you save her from under the ice?" I asked. Sheik stared at me

"No... She wasn't around when this happened, but... She left to head for the water temple" I sighed in relief. She took my advice and didn't get trapped... Sheik spoke about the ice and its source. In order to make the ice melt, the source of the curse must be killed

"If you have courage enough to confront the danger and save the zoras, be my guest. This blue maiden here may already know how to get around the temple and even know the monster's weak spot" I glanced away

"Blue maiden... I feel that I must say these words to you. It was told to me in a dream" I looked at her confused before she held her heart "Time passes, people move... like a river's flow, it never ends" I frowned. Holding my aching heart. Why did it hurt..? "A childish mind will turn to noble ambition... young love will become deep affection... the clear water's surface reflects growth... I do not know why I must tell you this, but it may be something to reflect on yourself. Do you know of these words...?" I didn't speak. I heard those words before in the game, but hearing this message... It shot me like a bullet. I don't know why this is effecting me when it shouldn't. Right?

"Wise words..." I manage to say... "Thank you for telling me these. I hope one day you will tell me more" she nodded before looking at Link

"Link... I'll see you again. Be careful" she backed away. Link flinched and ran after her, but she used a Deku nut to disappear.

"Why does he keep leaving like that? He seems like he's helping us, but he just leaves" I looked at Link looking back at me "hey... Do you know who he is?" I walked forward, still trying to see if I can find that stupid blue fire! Where is it!? It should be around!

"It's not my story to tell" he sighed and followed me to the exit. Through out walking and searching for the blue fire we're going to need to defrost King Zora, I feel that calling again

Rushing forward, I stopped when hearing the calling from the inside of this ice block. It was too white to see if anything was inside. It shouldn't be so hard to melt it... "Link? Do you still have Din's fire I asked you to hold for me?" Link nodded and lifted his hand above his head. Pulling me closer to him from the waist, making my heart feel like it just burst. Link made a red light come from the palm of his hand and throw it on the floor below us. A ring of Fire burst from around us and grew, firing the ice around us and melted the ice block. The fire soon disappeared right after

A Zora came from inside the block of ice. Not just any Zora... "Scotty!" I left Link's hold to help Scotty off the floor, passed out. I panically  slapped his face "Scotty! Answer me!" He was so cold. I don't know if he's dead... No, it can't be "only way to find out..." I gently placed him down and played my lullaby. He groaned in his sleep before opening his eyes. He gave out a smile when I gasped

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