Chapter 22: Gerudo

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Jasmine gave me the Gerudo Token to make it easier for me to access every area around Gerudo fortress, but if I don't get rid of the brain washing jewel on their head, the token is useless. It was up to me to go into the fortress and rescue Link and some carpenters Jasmine told me about that the guy who gave me the broken Goron sword were looking for to help fix the broken bridge. I already know the story, she knows that... I just hope it won't take too long...

The fortress was dark except for a few lighting from fire torches. There were Gerudo's everywhere, guarding the place and every corner. Feeling the atmosphere around me, I sense another piece of the Triforce... The last one!

First thing's first... I must remove the brainwashing jewels from the nearest girls... Taking out Link's bow, I pulled back the string for a regular shot and shot straight at the nearest jewel. My new skill and keen eye I got from Shauna is very clean. I didn't even need to aim to hit the exact spot. I knew I would get the perfect bullseye

The Gerudo shouted in pain and fell on the floor fainting, alerting the other guards. I jumped up to be noticed and took out my scythe

"It's the blue maiden!" One of them shouted

"How is she not in the cellar!? I thought Jasmine took care of her!"

"What have you done?!" I give them a friendly smile before swinging my scythe and hit every each of their foreheads with flying arrows by levitating them. They passed out after the hit, and I was left exhausted again

"Darn... This is not the time..." I used the scythe to hold myself off the ground "I better go... Find Link" I took a deep breath and forced my legs to enter the fortress. Honestly... This scythe takes too much energy from me, but it's so powerful...

There were a few guards in the fortress, so I avoided using my scythe and used the bow and arrow to shoot. So far so good... I can feel the aura becoming stronger the higher up I go, but I still don't see Link or the carpenters

I made it to near top of the fortress and found a few cellars in one big room instead of the individual cellars in the smaller others. One side had all the carpenters in one cellar while Link was in the other, leaning against the wall. I gasped and wobbled to the bars

"Link!" He looked up surprised "you're okay!" He stood up and held the bars I was holding

"Lina! What happened!? You're pale!" I chuckled

"It's nothing! I just drained a lot of my magic, but I'm fine" I looked at the locked door "where's the key?"

"Young lady! Behind you!" One of the carpenters yelled at me. I turned around and saw a Gerudo jump from the sky to face me with her thick swords

"Lina, be careful... These Gerudos are strong" I smiled at Link

"Come on... Where's your confidence in me?" I took out his piece of the Triforce I kept safe and gave it to him before looking back at the Gerudo "are you the last of them?" I took out my scythe again. I know it drains my energy but I have a feeling we can finally rest here with their permission, so this will be quick

"I got it! Link!" Navi came flying and unlocked the locked door with a key. Link jumped out and kicked the Gerudo on the stomach, sending her flying to the wall. He grabbed a sword she dropped and jumped at her as she got up and attacked him

I stared in shock at how strong he made himself look. I mean... When he fights monsters it's not that he looks weak doing it, he's just slow, but now that he has the confidence, he just jumped at the fight... Which is super risky than what he tries pulling without it. Oh boy... I need to find Regret fast!

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