Chapter 33: Stories

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After dropping the eggs off in the lab, Link and I followed a pretty gold seahorse that Fado got us by some guy living on the beach, or stole it from him, and had it lead us around Pinnacle Rock. I didn't get to go inside the water for reasons, but after so much time to find the last 3 Zora eggs, we finally huddled them all together and learned a song from the hatchlings; new wave bossa nova

The new song had a deep meaning to it. A meaning that's close to my heart... I turned to the side to see Scotty sitting on a table, smiling with his eyes closed, enjoying the song before it stopped and hurried to leave as soon as possible without a word. Scotty...

Link and I went to around Zora hall, which is like Zora's domain. The singer we plan on meeting name was Lulu, not Lola! Huh... I might remember some part of the game but I'm still making mistakes

Zoras were giving me weird looks when I walked around while Link was going around here as Mikau so we can know where Lulu is and even practice some music. The zoras weren't giving me nasty looks, they actually looked curious as I walked around. I frowned and stopped in front of a random Zora

"Hello, Mr.Zora... I'm Lina" I smiled

"Oh! Mikau, and... you're the little girl who was following Mikau around. At first I thought you were just a fan but... You two stand by each other like friends and even... you look like someone the old prince always likes talking about"

"Prince..?" A Zora swam to the surface to speak with us

"The Prince of the Zoras... The son of the late Zora Queen and princess Lulu's brother" I gasped, cupping my mouth in shock

"What?!" Link gasped

"Lulu's a princess?" I whispered to myself

"The only royal that mattered to rule the kingdom was the queen... But because the queen died months ago, the hall hasn't been the same. The prince and princess aren't fit to rule, but they are still one of us. Lulu is still here, Scotty is... Gone" some of the Zoras around looked down. I took a step back, still shocked before running off to find Lulu. Poor girl... She lost her eggs, and her family. No wonder Scotty was acting strange

Leaving the hall from the back, Link and I faced Lulu staring off into the sea. Link and I looked at each other before seeing Scotty watching her from the other side

"Scotty..." I frowned. Lulu flinched and looked down at me. I gulped nervously and curtsied a little "h-hello... Your majesty" Lulu frowned a bit "I am Lina... And you know Mikau" she looked at Link before turning away a little "I have great news... Your eggs are safe! Mikau saved them!" She glanced at him and smiled "and also... I knew of Scotty" her head completely turned to look at me wide eyed. Her mouth opened, but she stopped herself and looked away again. I looked at Link and nodded. He got the signal and took out his guitar to play the song her babies made.

Listening to the song, she gained her voice back and started singing with the melody. Tears formed in her eyes. Scotty smiled softly and held her shoulder before smiling at me and disappeared.

Playing the song caused a large turtle to awaken, actually being the island in front of us. Link was on his way to the temple and Lulu and I stayed together. She was on her knees to stare dead at my eyes. I flinched and moved away

"You..." I frowned as she played with my hair "you're the one that my brother always talks about... I knew someday he would leave to find you. That note... Did you send it?" I nodded

"I'm sorry... He was a good man" she looked down

"I'm just glad he got to be happy... And I'm so happy my eggs are safe. Thank you... I don't even know you and you've done so much"

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