Chapter 23: Regret

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I dropped to my knees when shining the light back on Regret, a piece of the Triforce with the strongest aura I had ever felt, chained on the wall like a prisoner while wearing nothing but rags to hardly cover anything on his body. He was all scratched up and his left eye was closed, covered in blood with his other glowing and dull brown eye stared into my soul

"L-Link..?" He looked up a little

"Avelina..." I placed the ball of light to stay in the air and leaned in to hold the bars, which weren't even locked... I threw it open and hurried to face him on the floor

"Link... I mean... Regret..?" He stared at me. I shakily lifted my hand to hold his cold cheek. My vision consist of many different moments of his view point looking at different versions of myself.

In one vision, he was staring at me staring at him with my hair swaying through the air of the forest while holding my scythe... That actually looked pink. Normally it's just white

Another vision was of Zelda and I in the dress she wears in Minish cap, giggling together before looking over at who I knew was Link and pointed at him, laughing. Zelda was holding a bowl of smashed berries, seeming like we just made a joke before a beak of some sorts poked his nose

The last vision... Consist of staring from the sky at a island. The flyer was riding on a red Loftwing. Link looked over at the island, seeing a girl petting a pure white Loftwing... Her hair was as blue as mine but the ends of her hair were gold... Like it was when I remember it glowing when using my powers. Her eyes were a dull blue color, staring at the flyer come down towards her

I moved my hand from Regret's cheek, staring at him confused "what was that..?" His head dropped to look back down at his lap like he was exhausted

"I... Am the memory of hero's past... Not only did I take part of the Triforce of courage, but I took the regret his heart naturally creates. For every life the hero lives, I remember..."

"You're... His memory?" He nodded. I flicked the chains with my light to remove them from his wrist, letting them drop like there wasn't any feel in them

"The memories he can never remember... Is locked within his soul. Every one of those memories... Were shared with you" my eyes widened

"W-what..?" That time I sang the ballad of the goddess in Zora's domain, I saw things that looked like memories, but I didn't know what it was so I didn't bother thinking too hard about it. His memories were like my visions but the other way around in his view point

"There is a thing about past lives" Jasmine pointed out

"Well yeah... But... The memories I just saw, did we really know each other in the other lives? And..." I thought about the scythe "even at that time... I had magic and that scythe" great... So I had this struggle of not knowing myself even in past lives "aside of that... What happened to you? Why do you look like someone was torturing you?" His hands turned to fist

"The pieces take in many images... I happen to look like this" I sighed in relief, which made him look at me "actually... This is how I lived when I was chosen by the goddesses..." I flinched "I was Hyrule's hero... But I got locked up because I was framed by a man named Dagianis, he framed me for a crime I never committed. The demon king was creating war, and I was allowed to see the light of day for the first time since becoming imprisoned. My people told me they didn't need a hero... Now they wanted me to fight. Even if they knew my sword was broken and I couldn't run... The misunderstanding was resolved... My premonition of danger was true, but they never believed me until it happened. They fixed my sword and I fought... For my beautiful land"

"I know this story..." I cupped my hands "I had read it before in my... Hyrule historia back in the fake world" I told Jasmine

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