Chapter 25: Time

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Sheik and I stared at each other in the eye before she/ he spoke "I have been waiting for you..." She told us. I held my heart close "Link, the hero of time..." She looked at me "Lina... The-" I lifted my hand to stop her. She eyes dropped in sadness "you two... Overcome many hardships and awaken six sages, and now you have the final challenge and even all your complete pieces of your heart... A showdown with Ganondorf, the King of evil, must begin"

"Sheik, you're here on our final fight" I looked down at Link's words "just who are you and why have you been helping us..?" Sheik closed his eyes

"Another unknown legend of the Triforce passed down by the shadow folk, the Sheikah..." She started telling him about the legend of the Triforce, the story she knew and not the story of the Triforce of courage never showing up "seven years ago, Ganondorf used the door you opened in the temple of time and entered the sacred realm, but when he laid his hands on the Triforce, the legend came true" I glanced away "the Triforce of power remained in Ganondorf's hands... The strength of the Triforce of power enabled to become a mighty, evil King, but his dark ambitions were not satisfied..." we listened to her story until she finally showed us the Triforce of wisdom that may be given to the seventh sage, destined to be the leader of them all...

"Zelda..." I frowned, watching her transform back to her old self. 

"It is I..." Zelda smiled

"Zelda!?" Link gasped. I pouted my lips before running to hug her. She opened her arms happily to let me hold her


"I'm sorry... I wanted to be with you and Link so badly, but I had to hide from the evil King... Just as you told me back in the slumber party, I listened to the goddess you played to be" I chuckled, pulling myself away. Telling us the story of when she escaped Hyrule castle, I felt that guilt I felt that day 7 years ago

"I'm sorry... All this was my doing" my friends looked confused "the plan you thought about Zelda... I knew it was reckless, and it will lead to the evil King to enter the sacred realm if Link ever opened the door of time. Link was the only one who can remove the key to enter it... I knew all this, I knew the future, and I never told you... I let this future happen on purpose"

"W-what..?" Link said. I refused to look at any one of them

"It was the only way to save future Hyrule... The broken pieces... I had to put them together for the sake of Hyrule after this era. I knew darkness would come back... No matter what. so I let this dark future happen. All this was my doing... And I'm so sorry" I tried my best to hold in my tears

"Lina... Do not put all the blame on me. I was the one who-"

"No! I had the chance to stop that plan! I couldn't... I'm so sorry" Zelda and Link took my hands individually. I stared at them surprised

"I've waited for 7 years for you and Link's return... Passing down myself as a Sheikah, I knew you would bring peace again. The six sages will open the sealed door and lure Ganondorf back into the sacred realm. I will then seal the door to the sacred realm from this world" I frowned

"It's time we fight the king of evil together" Link smiled "we'll protect you while you do your part" Zelda nodded and opened her hands to make a light shine

"You can use this weapon that can penetrate the evil king's defenses... The power given to the chosen ones..." A gold rock appeared in her hands. Link was amazed

"Isn't this one of the three power arrows you were talking about, Lina?" I stared at the gold rock and nodded

"Yes... The light arrow. It's the most useful item you may use to defeat the king and also use the master sword" I held my heart "you will not need anything else but those" I dropped his bow I had in my storage "I will keep the rest of your arrows and your other weapons..." Link stared at my worried face confused

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