Chapter 4: Fear

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I wish I had a good stylist, but the one I used to draw this Link was all ripped and I tried 😞 I'm not the best artist but I hope you like the picture and chapter!

We got thrown out because Link sneezed. Causing us to go back to Malon... She caught us in a struck of luck because she said she forgot to give us the one thing that can get her dad to wake up. Huh... I forgot about that. This egg was strangely big... Almost the size of my head

"That thing is big..." Navi said

"I know... But right now is that we have to sneak pass these guards again to find Princess Zelda!"

"do you know where she is?"

"Of course I do"

"You're so cool..." She looked at me with admiration. Heh... She's so adorable. Passing the guards was easier than before when Link was quiet. These guards are terrible at their jobs! Or maybe those helmets on their heads just blinds them from seeing two children in bright colored clothing running pass them. Idiots

Hyrule Castle was unbelievably huge! I'm sure it's as big as it was in twilight princess! But luckily finding her was a task to do around the building. There were more guards than what the game showed off. It was hard, so I decided to distract them by using my slingshot to make noise somewhere else. It became night time in a blink of an eye. Goodness... How time effects this world so quickly.

Resting that night under a hole, the next morning passed by, causing the weird egg that Malon gave me to hatch... A cucco! Waking up Malon's dad, he left to go to his waiting daughter. It's about time... Before we knew it, we were in front of Princess Zelda in the court yard, staring into a window.

Link and I looked at each other "that's the princess Link... The princess of destiny..." I looked back at the princess just now noticing us. She turned completely, surprised

"W-who are you? How did you get pass the guards?" She was really pretty up close. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves

"They're not very good at their job..." She giggled at my honestly "H-hi... I'm Lina, and this is my friend Link"

"You two have similar names" she put her hands together "I am Zelda, Princess of Hyrule" she stared at both of us for a moment, then saw Navi before putting her hands together against her chin in amazement

"A fairy..." She gasped "are you from the forest?!" She asked Link

"Yes..." She looked me

"And your hair... The blue maiden! I assume?" I guess that's my nickname to those who don't know my name, like Navi called me when we first met

"Y-yes!" I stuttered nervously. A real life princess... This is amazing "and to prove it, we have the spiritual stone of the forest!" I saved her from asking the question if we had it. I showed her the stone on Link's behalf, making her jump for joy. She's too adorable

"Wow! It's like you've read my mind!" She sat on the steps. I sat next to her while Link remained on his spot "I had a dream... In the dream, dark storm clouds were billowing over the land of Hyrule. But suddenly, a ray of light shot out of the forest, parted the clouds, and lit up the ground... The light turned into a figure holding a green and shining stone, followed by a fairy and a maiden with blue hair..." Wha..? She smiled at Link "I knew this was a prophecy that someone would come from the forest. Yes, I thought you might be the one..." She looked at me before closing her eyes "and the blue hair maiden... I feel has you already know what I'm going to say about the secret of the secret realm that has been passed down by the royal family of Hyrule"

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