Chapter 13: Quest

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"No... No! No! Why!? Why would you do this!? Fado!" Fado stood in front of me with a bright smile on her face as we faced each other in the chamber of time

"It was time... I was under attacked in my house and things happened. It's all okay... Because that means I can finally be one with you again!" Her smile was so lively and happy, I couldn't stop my tears from falling. Is this what it means to have my magic..? Someone has to die in order to return it..? With my mom, it was the awakening... But with Fado... It was murder

"I am Fado, Forest light of the blue maiden! My life was meant to be yours one day! I had a good life here in the forest, you gave me the opportunity to be someone! Thanks to you playing your lullaby, I was able to find you as a spirit and become one with you again! Please, go find the other lights of your powers"

"How did I give you the opportunity to be someone..? How would I have that kind of power? What am I..?" She only smiled for me before making a green light appear in her hands and give it to me. It circled around my body like a fairy before sinking into my heart. My body felt lighter and a bit stronger... What is this..?

Everything turned white "thank you for giving me so many friends! I love them! Will you tell them that..?" I heard her say before appearing in front of the great Deku tree. I stood behind of all the Kokiris and Link facing a sprout of the Deku tree. Everyone was crying and cheering. I could tell they're happy about the forest gaining a new father

I patted a few of their backs "alright everyone, time to go back to the village. How long has it been since you all had a good night sleep?" I smiled. They all, but Link, faced me with frowns on their faces

"Your hair..." Mido walked up to me "I recognize it somehow" he looked down "we lost Saria... She became the sage of the forest. That's great news to hear, but not only did we loose Saria, we lost Fado..." Link's head flinched up and looked over in shock. His face was terribly pale and he had bags under his eyes. He's suffering and holding it in. Without sorrow, he can't express himself

"We couldn't save her on time..." One of the know it all brothers cried. I pet his head and gave everyone a tender smile

"Saria is in a better place, and so is Fado... Fado is also a sage, kind of... She's serving a purpose. She told me she loved you all... You all didn't loose your friends, they'll forever be in your hearts..." Everyone was sobbing softly before surroundings me for hugs. I smiled, petting as many of them as possible "please go on... It's time to take care of the forest" they nodded and ran off. Mido stared up at me

"You look like that girl that followed Saria a long time ago... Could you possibly be..?" I pet his head again before kissing his forehead

"It's going to be okay, dear" he blushed a little before looking at Link and ran off. I stood up to stare at Link's back as he faced the sprout "Link..?" Navi flew up to me with a face full of grim

"Link found out that he's not really a Kokiri... He learned of his past of his mother and that war... I can't imagine how he must be feeling right now"

"Link... I'm so sorry" he slowly turned around, but kept his head bowed

"Did you know..?" My eyes widened before looking down in guilt

"I..." He stood up, shaking like mad

"Why..?" It was painful to see him shaking that much "why am I hurting so much..? My heart hurts, and I don't know what to do with it" he looked up a little, making it possible to see how wide his eyes were

"I'm sorry Link, but... It wasn't my story to tell. I can help you feel better. There's a piece waiting for you... When you take it, you'll be able to express everything you're carrying right now. The emotion you need is sorrow, and that's all the way up in death mountain" I took his hand "let's rest... We've been through a lot today" I walked him to his house and spend the night. There was a feast going on that we were invited to, but Link stayed home and I decided to walk around to do some exploring for reasons

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