Chapter 24: Spirit

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"There's suppose to be a poe here guiding us!" I shouted through the strong winds of the haunted wastelands. I used my Lens of truth to look for the Poe that's suppose to guide us to the Spirit Temple! But it's nowhere to be found

"A Poe?" Link asked, adjusting his silver gauntlet I gave him before. He'll need them for the temple

"Yeah!" My mind warped to the time when we met Link's devotion in Hyrule field

"I have wondered all around Hyrule Field and beyond the desert... Finding my purpose in every detail of the land" I looked at Link before putting my hand on his chest, confusing him

"Lina?" I closed my eyes and focused real hard, needing Devotion to show us the way. A spirit of the hero with the lavender hood and lamp came out and stared at me. He was still a child, but he wasn't physical like when we first met him

He gave me a warm smile before floating off the hut we were on "I never thought I'd get to see you again, blue maiden..." I nodded, putting my hands together

"Are you still holding a piece? You still have his personality"

"It's a bit more complicated than that. I do not have his piece, but I am a piece of his soul..." He held his heart, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them and smiled a little bigger "you want me to guide you through the path, yes?"


"You are very amazing... I can't believe you remembered what I said when I went around Hyrule and the desert. I guess I'm not as useless as I thought" I smiled again

"Don't say that! Loyalty is a powerful thing to hold within the heart" I held Link's hand "please take us to the Spirit temple" he nodded happily before shedding a tear of sadness. I frowned with a confused look on my face before he went off flying to guide us "let's go Link!" Link stared at me before looking down and nodded. I looked at him confused before he squat in front of me and put me on his back for a back ride and followed his loyal soul. Link..? Is something wrong..?

We arrived at the desert colossus. It would had been quicker if I played the Requiem of spirit, but there was reasons why we had to go through the wasteland

Link's loyal soul stopped floating and rested back on the sand. Link wouldn't put me down "I had brought you to the desert colossus... I hope I was useful!" I frowned

"Why would you say that..? Of course you were useful... You're important" he looked down and lifted his hood to cover his face "Devotion... What is the matter?"

"Regret..." My eyes widened "the hero's emotions returned to his soul. When regret made it back, it effected everything else"

"What do you mean..?"

"I had a dream..." Link said, slowly putting me down "I had a dream you were going to leave me..." I flinched when a tear fell on his cheek. Devotion returned to his body as Link took my hands and put them on his chest, bowing his head "please, I don't know what I'll do if you ever left... I'll do whatever it takes for you to stay, just please..." My heart dropped

"Link..." I held his cheeks to look at me. He was sobbing silent tears "oh Link... Please do not worry about me. I'm not going-" my body stunned for a second, picking up on that lie I didn't intend to make "any...where" I looked down and placed my forehead on his chest "I want us to be together for a long time... Don't worry, I'll always be with you here" I held his heart, knowing that wasn't a lie

He held my hand again "thank you" I looked up with a smile

"Time to see the great fairy!" I tried lighting the mood and pulled his hand excitedly to the secret wall we had to use a bomb to open a path to her fountain. Strangely enough, this great fairy had nothing to give us... If I can remember correctly, she would had gave us Nayru's love like the game, but thinking back on that now... My hair was blue because of that power. I saved Link from Volvagia's fire when he was about to get hit with it. I want to know why I suddenly already had this magic.

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