Chapter 12: Disappointment

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Link raced with Epona to win her from a man named Ingo, who is known to be the man who out cheated Talon and kicked him out the ranch. From what I know, the man is brain washed at the moment from the evil aura he possesses within his body. I know he's really a nice man, but because of what happened, happened to him

He bet off Epona when Link won a race against him, causing him to be frustrated. The aura of this ranch was covered in Link's piece... Is this emotion disappointment or what?

I left Link alone in the race so I can go look for Malon in the farm house. She was sitting on a chair, petting a cow while singing Epona's song. Malon... You've grown. I've missed you...

She stopped singing when seeing me, standing up "oh!" She dust her skirt "welcome! We haven't had visitors for a while now!" She smiled, staring at the floor "I'm Malon, my father use to own this ranch before the evil King gave that man outside, this ranch" she sighed "this ranch use to be so lively and bright, but it's so disappointing to see it turn out like this in 7 short years... It's like everything went wrong after they left..." She frowned at the ceiling. Malon...

"Oh! Sorry! I was in my own little world!" I glanced to the side to look at Link's piece sitting on a chair next to another cow, staring at me with glowing orange eyes and wearing overalls like Talon, but with a orange shirt. It seems that every piece has their own colors...

Affection: Pink
Fear: Yellow
Curiosity: Green
Devotion: Lavender
Magic: Silver
Loneliness: Aqua
Sorrow: Red
?: Orange

He stared at me blankly and turned away like he wanted to avoid me... None of the pieces had ever did that before

"Would you like to have Lon Lon Ranch's famous Lon Lon milk?" Malon offered "it's on me" I gently took the bottle, watching her refuse to look at me

"Why won't you look at me..?" She looked at my eyes surprise before taking in my appearance, starting from my blue shirt (that changed when I turned into a adult) to my hair. Her body started shaking as she cupped her mouth in shock

"I-is that really you..?" She stared at my eyes "Lina..." I smiled softly "it's been 7 years! Oh my goddess!" She jumped to hug me. I chuckled and hugged her back. So much time passed, hasn't it..? "I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier, I just haven't looked at anyone since what happened. Eye contact is rude now to some people..." She let go of me "look at you... Your hair grew... You've matured.."

"So have you" she giggled a little, but sighed and looked over at the piece

"This is another one of our workers... He looks familiar, like Fairy boy, but I don't know what fairy boy looks like now" I nodded "Dissy, dear" Dissy? Like Disappointment? "Come meet my friend!" Dissy didn't look pleased to see me and went back to milking the cow "he's pretty shy and lacks self confidence, but he's a hard worker" I stared at him before walking over to him. So he's shy and lacks confidence...

Before I could say anything, he spoke with a attitude "I'm not going with you" I was taken back

"Excuse me?" Malon walked up to us

"What's wrong?" She asked us. Dissy looked away, making a face

"That hero doesn't need me... Why would he need disappointment and guilt in his life..? Attitude isn't going to get him anywhere, so why get me now? Going on a big journey, don't you think him worrying is going to help anyone?" I huffed

"Nobody's perfect. Everyone has their negative traits. If Link is going to have a attitude or gets worried, that's going to make him human. Everyone has their moments, don't make excuses!" He looked surprised at me "Link needs every piece! Don't tell me you won't come with me" I gently took his shoulder "because I need you" his eyes softened "I want Link to be truthful to me... There might be guilt and shyness involved, but that's going to help him grow" he looked down

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