Chapter 20: Nightmare

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That dead hand monster always gave me the creeps when it's hands come from the ground and snatch you up so the main body can come over and eat you. That's what almost happened when I was in the bottom of the well by myself when I was young and also happened to Navi when she wasn't paying attention and got grabbed. Luckily we got her free and proceeded through the creepy temple.

It was darker than I thought... We were really lucky there was a light up torch we could use to light the way. I was actually really scared. Navi also provided some light with her body but it wasn't enough. I stayed near Link until we made it to the boss

"These boots are... Weird" Link was slipping around the place when trying to walk "I find it odd that I had to take these from..." We looked at the skeleton we took them from "that..."

"They would had been useful if we had them earlier, but they'll be very useful else where I guess" I said. I don't know why these boots are all the way here... But it seems that someone else had them and wanted to attempt to do something here...

"I'm surprised there was even a skeleton here" I looked at how close the skeleton was to the water that we sailed on in a creepy boat a ghost pirate was sailing... I swear I almost wet my dress when seeing him. This skeleton must have belong to him "but now we're close to the evil shadow spirit... Now what was its name..?" I started thinking, staring at the wall. When thinking, I heard Link screaming. His voice was fating away downward. I gasped and looked down at the hole he fell from...


"Something grabbed him!" Navi flew after him. I jumped down with her and landed safely midair on some large weird looking... Drum. Yes, a drum

"Link?!" I looked around for Link. My surroundings were so dark I can't see anything pass the spot I fell from. I jumped in the air when the drum under me was being played. I wish I had a say to when I can stop jumping like this, but this was the work of Bongo Bongo... The evil shadow beast of this temple

"Where is Link!? You big eye... Thingie!" One of its hands lifted to show in the light, showing me it having Link struggle in its grip "no! Link!" He groaned, looking at me

"This... Is your fault..." I flinched. His voice sounded weird. It wasn't his voice but... It was his face "why... Do I have to be the one to save Hyrule..? Why does it have to be you that has to guide me..? You've caused nothing but trouble!" I was taken back

"W-what are you saying..?" I backed away, shocked at his anger. I bumped into something behind me. I turned around to see the light outline of the goddess of time. W-what is she doing here..?

"Do you need me to be by your side all the time..? Blue maiden?"

"H-huh..?" She handed me her scythe with the beautiful designed blade

"One of these days... You're not going to be able to get a hold of my words of wisdom. Within your heart... You know everything! And you know that is not the hero" I looked back at Link in Dongo Dongo's hand, frozen "this world is different than what you are use to... But you still know if you try hard enough. You are overwhelmed with dread and lost. You are so afraid to loose more people that you have no control over your own emotions. Focus hard on what you want to know and your heart will tell you every wonder" I faced her with a frown

"Why me..? Please, Goddess. I want to know who I am" she hovered her hand over my cheek

"Soon" she disappeared. I turned around with the scythe in my hands, seeing the imposter of Link glaring at me with glowing red and yellow eyes like the beast from the game. I stared at the scythe in my hand. The power it has within it is powerful... The handle I'm holding it up with felt the same as the stick I held back in Kakariko...

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