Chapter 9: Loneliness

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It was kind of hard drawing what I made this Link turn out to be, but I think it hits the spot... I don't think I'll have time to fully draw for each chapter since the chapters are finished. I'll see what I can do. Enjoy!

We entered the room King Zora was in, sitting there with no care in the world. He's so big! Like a fish that ate so much it became a bubble! I held on my laugh, trying not to be rude or make anyone feel bad

Someone was standing there talking to him with a letter in their hand "King Zora!" Scotty yelled disrespectfully. The person, who was about me and Link's height, turned around to face us. They wore a blue kimono that reached to the knees, was wide on the sleeves like Zora fins and was the same color as a Zora's skin. They wore a hat that could hide their face

"You..." I gazed. I could tell he was a piece. He removed his veil and glared at Scotty crossing his arms, with his glowing aqua colored eyes

"Oh, Princess Ruto's servant is here" he comment. Servant?

"Get away from her..." The piece demanded. I looked at Link staring at Scotty

"Loner, calm down. This is the prince that was suppose to marry Ruto!" King Zora said. Did he call the piece loner? As in lonely..?

Loner stared at Scotty holding my hand before jumping over and push him into the water. I cupped my mouth as the piece faced me

"Link!" I gasped. He frowned and hugged me "wha..?"

"I don't want you with anyone else like this... It makes me feel lonely..." He let go and became a light, turning into a gold piece so I can return it back to Link. That piece seemed a little bigger than the others. It's just as the Great Fairy said... One emotion will lead to others. Link was lonely and jealous... And angry..?

Link opened his eyes after receiving his piece and looked down when Scotty came back "where he go!?" He glared. Link huffed and pushed him back to the water. His eyes were filled with annoyance before taking my hand. So he received annoyance as well... When are we going to receive positive emotions? I blushed at how concern Link is towards me. He respects me and is loyal, but he took in average emotions to negative emotions, yet he doesn't express them. I wonder how he'll be now that he has a new piece

"Huh? Where he go?" King Zora asked "that was Ruto's servant! Now how am I suppose to know where she went?" I picked up the note Loner was holding when we got here

"It seems she's inside Lord Jabu-Jabu" I said without looking at the letter

"What?! That's not possible! Our guardian God, Lord Jabu Jabu, would never eat my dear Princess Ruto" and he didn't mean to I'm sure. King Zora started talking about Ganondorf of course, blaming him for his Lord's mood. It was up to us to find her. He wanted Scotty to come with us, but Link hissed at him and refused. Scotty refused as well, not because of Link, but because he said he had something else to do now that I'm... Here. What? Was he expecting me or something?

"Link, calm down alittle. What's wrong?" I frowned as he walked the path King Zora let us pass to go meet Lord Jabu-Jabu

"I don't know, but I feel..."

"Mad? Jealous? Selfish? Disgusted? Annoyed?" Navi asked. That's a lot of negative emotions... Link huffed and kept on going until we were facing the huge fish! I gasped in awe with the fish in the bottle in my hands I caught earlier

"Wow! That's crazy! I never seen a creature this big! Link! Was King Dodongo this big!?" Link stared at the lord

"Yeah, pretty much" I took a deep breath and looked at my fish. Do I really want to go into that fish's body..? Why would Ruto want to go somewhere in there? She wasn't swallowed by him, she just like coming in there

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