Chapter 31: Romani

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"It's Epona!" Link gasped loudly, racing over to his steed behind the fence "look, Lina! It's Epona!" He laughed and jumped the fence to pet her. I giggled, seeing how happy he was to see her. He even played her song for her to be happy

"Hello?" I turned to look at Malon... No, Romani, Malon's parallel self, looking at me, or trying with my hood. I lifted it and smiled

"Hi!" She smiled after looking at my hair

"I haven't seen any of you around here! I'm Romani! I was the given the same name as this ranch" Link came to us while on Epona

"Malon? What are you doing here?" He asked. I face palmed "oh... Right, wrong person, huh?" He got off Epona and smiled "hi! I'm Link! And this is Lina!" Romani giggled

"I'm Romani! You two have funny names by the way... How about I call you..." She started thinking "grasshopper! You're wearing green clothes, and you patter about when you walk, so grasshopper it is!" Link's jaw dropped. I giggled before Romani looks at me "and you... Can be... Blue princess" I blinked confused

"I'm not a princess" Link chuckled "but what can I say? Anyways, sorry we intruded in your ranch. Link here found his horse here" Romani looked at Epona

"Oh! That's the horse my sister found all by itself. Poor little horse, it was all scared" Link looked guilty "Romani admits, it is hard taking care of animals... So Romani understands why you lost her!" She still talks in third person like the game

"I guess..." I looked at Romani's bow

"What are you doing with that?"

"Oh! Romani was practicing... For tonight... Tonight... They are coming" Tatl hid behind me when she made "they" sound all creepy

"They?" She wiggled her hands in a creepy way to scare Link and Tatl

"They... Come at night every year when the carnival approaches... They come riding in a bright shining ball. a whole lot of them come down. And then... They come to the barn..."

"And take your cows?" I finished. Everyone looked at me confused. Romani gasped with a smile

"You know of them?" I nodded "my older sister won't believe me... But Romani must protect the cows!" She looked at Link's bow between his arm "you, grasshopper, you have a bow! And even a cool looking sword! I'm recruiting for an assistant right now! You're a boy, want to try?"

"What? You want me to help you save the cows with my bow? Okay!" Romani clapped

"Great! That's the spirit, grasshopper! What about you, princess?"

"Sure" I smiled, making her even more happier

"Yay! I'm going straight into my strategy" she told us that the aliens, with their proper name I guess, appear all over the ranch and what we have to do is keep them away with arrows. They were practicing together with balloons, with Epona even, though with me... I didn't have a bow nor think using my scythe will be all that hard to use against some floating monsters

"Hey, Princess! Aren't you going to practice?" Romani asked

"I pretty confident with my own weapon"

"Weapon?" I took out my scythe from behind me. She dropped her bow and gasped very loudly, so amazed that she has to cup her cheeks and squeeze her face together. Oh my... She's so energetic

"Whoa! How did you do that?!" I didn't answer "Well, if you're confident in your weapon, come in so we can sleep and get up for the final showdown tonight at 2. Good thing we practiced today... Older sister has some things to do in town. You came from town right? Let me tell her the road had been unblocked! Wanna come make a delivery with her? I have to stay and keep watch of the ranch"

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