Chapter 32: Pirates

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Right now, putting a quest to the side and seeing the time bubble cover the area, Link and I were back in town, seeing a poster of some Zora group that were in a band. I can't read Hylian all that much, but Link translated to say that they would be coming to the carnival or something... Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen since that girl... Lola? I think? Has some issues right now

Link and I were on our way to the ocean on Epona. while riding there, I told Link there will be a new mask we have to get and put the spirit to rest. He didn't like the idea of making people into mask, but how does he think I feel about it? Death is certainly something that makes me super nervous, but it is a part of me in a way since my own lights had to die in their living form

"We're putting him to rest in peace... You know that" I said

"Well yeah, but I'm the one having to transform into looking like them" we stepped on the beach... Which looks amazing by the way. Being here makes me nervous... Since I can't swim. There was a large water tornado in place on the other end of the ocean. Tatl flew towards the water, where she can see seagulls surrounding a Zora floating on his back.

"Hey... There's something underneath those gulls there" she pointed out. Link squinted his eyes to get a better look before gasping and hurry to swim towards it. I jumped on the water and joined him to save the Zora

Getting him to the sand, Link removed the guitar on his back and pushed him to lay on his back "how are you feeling..?" I frowned. a Zora... He actually looks like Scotty in a way

The Zora only groaned "what's your name sir?" Link asked

"I am... Mikau of the Zora people... Guitarist in the Zora band" looking at him suffering like this was hurting my soul... I hate seeing this "I think this is it for me... Will you listen to my final message" we listened carefully with his struggling voice instead of him standing up and playing his guitar like he's fine in the game. He spoke of the vocalist who lost her voice due to depression. The Gerudo pirates stole her eggs and he tried getting them back, but got thrown aboard and his soul is suffering. it's time to put his soul to rest. Link and I looked at each other and nodded, knowing what to do

Link stared down at the Zora mask under his feet with eyes filled with hurt. The three of us stood there in silence, soaking it all in. Someone just died right in front of us. Link looked at me to make sure I won't snap... But I was only frozen before looking up to see his spirit standing before us

"carve my farewell song on my grave... I'm depending on you to help her..." I held my heart and nodded. Link and I did the respectful thing and created his grave with his guitar standing. His song he sang to me was written where he rest...

"Lina..?" Link frowned at me staring at the water. I shook my head and stood on the water, removing my hood to let my hair blow in the wind

"Don't say anything..." I turned away "I don't want to talk about it..."

"But-" I nodded

"I don't want to talk about it... It was something to see the Deku scrub as a tree, and that Goron as a ghost... But to have someone die in front of me again. Worse thing about it, he looked like Scotty..." I walked towards the marine coast lab we could see from a far

"Hey!" Link shouted. I slowly turned towards him

"Put the mask on and hurry..." I hurried to the lab as soon as possible. I didn't want Link to see my tears. Pulling myself together, I looked back at where I left Link and saw a Zora coming from the water with Scotty's guitar. I turned around and tried really hard not to snap. Before I can let Link say anything, I took my scythe out and shined a bright light to prevent him from seeing where I left

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