Chapter 2: Hope

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So I want to draw some of my own personal art into each chapter so let me know what you all think about these! Digital art just takes so long and I honestly don't know how to use it. I drew Link in his dull self for this chapter. If you like you can check out my Instagram @its_heartfilia for more stuff! Thanks!

Everywhere me and Saira went, there were other Kokiris staring at me. At least, at my hair and clothing even I find myself weird. I really dislike when people stare at me. I get that I'm different but please...

"Don't worry about them" Saira said, stopping in front of the Kokiri store "they're just curious. We don't get many visitors. Adults sometimes try coming, but they end up in the lost woods. This place is protected from the outside world... If a kid comes, it'll be easier for them to come in, but one wrong move and they'll turn into Skullkid!" I nodded

"Yes, I know" she smiled

"You're smart! I like that! Want something to drink? Are you hungry? There's no rush to see Link, is there?"

"Well... No, I guess not" she nodded and waved to the girl walking around that I never learned the name of

"Fado!" Oh right, I remember now "toss us some Deku nuts with water!" I waved my hands

"No, thanks. I'm not thirsty" but I do want to see a Deku nut with my own eyes

"You're not? Then how about something to eat?" Fado's fairy followed right behind as she walked towards me. I didn't notice earlier, but Saira's fairy was resting on her shoulder. Real fairies... They're so small and bright

"What do you eat?" Fado skipped to a basket near by to hand a bright red apple "oh!" I never seen anything so red! This is the biggest apple I had ever seen

"Hope you enjoy them! It's nutritious, you know?" Fado gave a warm tender smile before skipping off all happily.

"Let's go" Saira said. Eating my delicious apple, I followed her to the direction of Link's tree house. Instead of looking up and waiting for him to come out when I'm sure Navi the fairy had already got to him, Saira was staring down at the moving and glowing Skeikah Stone with small legs coming from the bottom. Looking up, I saw a fairy sitting on top of the stone, waiting for the kid. Navi?

"Link! What are you doing!? You were suppose to be waiting for me to come get you!" Saria held her hips annoyed. My heart skipped a beat. His legs started crawling out the stone and sat down, staring at nothing with Navi circling around him.

I held my necklace nervously, staring at his dull blue eyes not even caring about the world around him. He's so cute in person... But the look in his eyes made me worry. He doesn't have any piece of any part of his heart. What I hold in my hand will give him some light, won't it?

"I was looking at the future..." He told Saria blankly

"Were you? What did you see?" He looked up, making eye contact with me. We stared at each other for what felt like forever. My heart couldn't take it. He was right in front of me... Not the same way I wish he was in, but still Link... The future hero of time. The hero I have to create by gathering his pieces of his missing Triforce that stole pieces of his heart

He lifted his finger to point at me. Huh? I pointed at myself confused "her..." Saria raised her brow at me

"Huh? I don't get it. The Sheikah stone usually tells the future of really big events. Lina, what reason are you here again? Not that I have a problem with you being here, but..." She frowned "Link had never made eye contact with anyone, not even me" my eyes widened

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