Chapter 28: Second Day

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Link left for the day and I'm still stuck in bed. He saw that I was still pale in the morning so he had me staying here on my own. I don't want to do that! I might not be as strong as I usually am but that's not going to stop me from going out there and completing some side quest I can do that will benefit me and Link

One thing about this "game" is that much never last... You will only have 3 days and you can't do all your task in those days, so the Song of time is used to warp back to the first day and start everything over. Which means all the effort we go through will be for nothing... But it doesn't mean it still can't benefit us

We can't keep the things we collected through those days nor can have people we spoke to remember us... The only thing we may keep is magic and anything that is needed for the "game" to progress smoothly

Mask will be important. I wish there could be more days so I can bond with people here, but the moon is already so close to land and it's going to destroy everything if we don't get ourselves ready on time... We must travel through the four parts of Termina to find the four giants who can help us

The boomers notebook is a important item that can be used to keep track of everything we do. Because there's only 2 days left, and heart containers aren't real, we will be skipping a lot of those marks listed on the notebook. So the side quest to get a certain mask and come back to teach a dance to some twins won't be necessary... Even if I do wish I can see Link dance like in the game. Heh...

And other side quest where we can obtain certain items won't be necessary either, since I already have most of Link's items in storage. This journey won't be a journey really... But the sooner we can gather the 4 giants, the faster we can finally just stop traveling through time and let time flow normal through Termina again... And the faster I can finally know just who the heck I am

I can't believe after all I've been through, I still can't believe I never got the chance to know why I was chosen to know the future of these events, why I was sleeping in the sacred realm, why I have to guide Link and collect his pieces of the Triforce, or why I even have magic that split itself into 6 lights and became living people with lives.

I regret nothing about the times I had with Link, but still... I wish I had my answers. After Link and Tatl left, I got out of bed and went off to what I can do on the second day... Hoping to get a few things out of the way

As soon as I got outside with my new dress, a maroon sleeveless skirt with a light gray knee short skirt, again, with the golden tread on the front, I saw the annoying Happy mask salesman standing in front of my door with his hands cupped together. I immediately hissed at him and walked away. I have no idea how I suddenly grew so much hatred towards a man I never met...

"Wait! Please! Young lady!" I sighed and looked up at the man boredly "what does it take for me to get your approval on helping me? That young fellow who turned back to a boy... I had asked him for this favor myself but he won't do anything unless I get your approval" I turned away. Link isn't stupid to fall for something anyone says. He would know when I'd say yes... I guess it's a connection thing that we created a long time ago

"You are a honorable man for coming to ask me instead of lying to his face that you had... Though I appreciate your commitment, I will not help you" he fell on his knees and freaked out. I sighed, rubbing my forehead a little. Why doesn't this guy get it? He's crazy

"I'll do anything! Please anything! If you don't get that mask back in time something horrible is going to happen!"

"Oh? You think I don't already know that?" I said, seeing his shock "foolish man" I faced him "I know much about the Majora's mask. It came from a trib and it caused trouble, so those people sealed it away in shadow, but you dared to find it and you think it's coming back to you so easily? You will not get anything back... Do you understand?" What's wrong with me? I'm not normally such a serious person... I don't like it

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