Chapter 15: Happiness

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Clock town was deadly silent. There was no one around nor was there a sun above. The sky was darkened by dark grey clouds. The wind was picking up and the snow surrounded me like a soft twister. My very long hair blew along the direction it was blowing, making it visible that the ends were glowing gold like the Triforce. It mixed amazingly with my blue hair getting carried like a wave in the ocean. Looking up, I stared at the goddess of time clock above me

I never really took a good look at it, but now that it's in front of me, I pulled back my shirt to look at the markings on my chest. Besides the upside down triangle in the middle, the markings on the sides were similar to what was on the clock.

"What does this mean..?" I asked myself before getting blinded by a light. When it finally dimmed down, I looked up to see a white light in shape of a tall woman floating off the ground with a wide flowing dress and wide long floating hair. What stood out the most was that she was holding a... Scythe... With beautiful designs on the blade I can't described

"Blue maiden..." Her voice echoed around the snow filled air "you must awaken soon..."

"Who are you..?" I looked at the clock behind her "are you... The goddess of time?"

"Indeed... I am responsible for the time flow and peace through out the time universe. I created the Song of time and the other songs that relate to anything about time. I even created the ocarina of time. But you already know about the goddess of time as a being, don't you?" I gulped, nodding "of course... Lina. You are living though your destiny, but soon enough, you are going to have to start another"

"Another? But I haven't even helped Link get his entire heart back"

"Yes... But he will not need your help in the end. Once he's ready, you are going to have to wait for him back in the child era, where you will start another journey and finally start your new destiny"

"What is my destiny? Please, tell me who I am... I want to know why I have magic!" The goddess stared at me. I wish I can see her face

"You'll know soon enough... You must take your light back from the lives you created for them"

"But I do not want anyone getting hurt for me!" I cried

"Who is getting hurt? they were a part of you before they start living..."

"No! Those older ones were born before me weren't they!?" She kneeled to me as I cried like a baby "I don't want anyone risking their lives for me! Why?! I want to know who I am! How did I give them lives!? How did I do anything without even knowing when it happened!?"

"Lina... Understand. You don't have your complete power. We will meet again soon, and when we do. You're going to know every answer to your questions" I sniffled

"Really..?" She nodded and stood up

"All I can say is that your hair is blue because you naturally hold Nayru's love. That was your first power when you were born. Thanks to you having it, you are able to go around the lost woods without turning into a Stalfoe. It is the reason why you are able to hold any power at all. You are special, continue throughout your journey. it is going to be tough but always know that I am always going to be next to you"

"Who are you..?" She pet my head, making my vision go white

"I am... The goddess of time... Use your ocarina of light to shine your way back. Remember your other songs... There are a lot more than you think there are" I opened my eyes, seeing Link's face looking down at me before showing the most amazing smile I had every seen. I gasped

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