Chapter 10: Sages

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I didn't want to show off Link being a adult yet, that's why I only showed one eye! But that gave me the opportunity to draw his pony tail. Man I'm in love with this guy 😍😍

I sat on the fence in front of my house, staring at the sunset above me, rubbing my stomach from all the food I ate earlier. Link really knows how to fill me up. Speaking of which, I watched Link chasing after some cuccos for the cucco lady who just doesn't play attention to her animals. She keeps on staring at a man I recognize from the couple in Majora's mask. Well, that place is a parallel universe to this one.

I can see Link's pink light of a piece standing behind her, smirking and talking to her. She doesn't seem to notice him, but her eyes are just filled with attraction towards this the guy she can't get her eyes off of. I think I had a dream finding out what that piece was called: Attraction

I blushed at the thought of Link getting that emotion. I seem to remember him winking at me. I blushed hard and remembered the dream I had, blushing even more

"He called me beautiful..." I looked back at Attraction and caught him winking at me before disappearing. My heart was pounding out my chest. Link feels something towards me... My heart can't take it

"Hey!" Navi called "how long are we going to just sit here? We went to Lake Hylia and did all this stuff all day and now we're back here doing nothing?" I sighed, wanting to ignore her. The Hylian soldier giggled

"Your fairy friend is very determined to leave"

"You can say that" I looked up at her "You're protecting my home and I never properly introduced myself" I offered my hand "I'm Lina" the soldier smiled, shaking my hand.

"I am Shauna! Second in command of the Hylian army"

"Second in command? What are you doing here then?" She looked up at the sky

"When I heard I was going to protect a house, I was a bit disappointed because it was my dream to become a Sheikah! But I didn't have the blood in me so that's impossible. When Mistress Impa told me the house belonged to Hyrule's priest of the temple of time, I felt a little better. Now when she told me it belonged to a blue hair maiden, I was so happy!" She dropped her weapon to clap her hands together

"Why? Do you know of me?" She giggled

"Well... Let's just say... We have a bond" my eyes widened. She removed her helmet to show me her long silver hair and green eyes sparkling at mine. "Listen to my words blue maiden... Your hair resembles Nayru's love, it's a powerful power your body contains... But all you have now is the color, meaning you don't have your complete power yet"


"Use your Lullaby with your Ocarina of Light when our time is near... You'll know when you'll need to play it. Once you play it, we will give you our soul and you'll have your power back" I didn't like how she was talking. Ocarina of Light..?

"W-who are you..?"

"All of us are looking forward to seeing you. It's you who we are living for and avoid life itself. it's our destiny to be by your side again" she kneeled down and bowed to me. I suddenly started seeing flashes of Fado, Scotty, and even the cave painting in Goron city of that lone dragon

"W-what does this mean..?" I asked. She looked up, flashing me a smile

"You'll find out soon" there was thunder approaching. Looking up, clouds were storming to cover the night sky and towards the castle in seconds. Smoke came from that direction. I gasped loudly and shouted

"Link!" I played the Song of Soaring. Cabora came in seconds, like he knew I needed him "we have to go! Now!"

"What's wrong?" He asked, leaving the cuccos to run from him

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