Chapter 29: The Final Day

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"You can't keep pushing yourself" Link said as I got ready to head out with him and Tatl

"I'm fine" I said, putting on my shoes and stood up from the chair "the goddess of time said this was natural and my body was only getting use to my magic, so all I need is rest and I'm a lot better, honest. Besides, I'm not going to be stuck here while you're out there dealing with the skull kid" Link didn't look too sure, Tatl flew up to my face

"Goddess of time!? You seen the goddess of time?!"


"No one has ever seen her! There aren't even ancient drawings of her! How did you see her?!"

"I can't really see her... She's just a figured light to me"

"Who are you?" I turned away, not feeling comfortable with answering that... Since I didn't know myself. How many times do I have to be reminded of that?

"Easy Tatl... Don't get too insensitive like that. Lina's been through a lot and it's not fair to push her. She's going to help your brother and Skullkid and even save this land from... What exactly?" He asked me. I walked to the door

"Like before when we traveled around Hyrule, I'm just going to let things happen... If something changes, I won't know what to do. We're going to keep something from happening, and you'll know without me telling you" he nodded and followed me outside to the parallel world of Termina. I lifted my hood and looked at Link locking the door with a lock I fixed with my magic, since I broke it before. The room had no specific owner to it. Link went all out to talk to the mayor and he said there's not even a room in the ally Link told him about. It makes me think how that place got formed and filled with my stuff

"I didn't get that moon tear you wanted, we can go to the observatory today"

"Oh... The moon tear isn't important. I actually just wanted it for myself, but that's only going to waste our time"

"If you want it, I'll get it for you" he smiled

"Link..." He took my hand and looked at my hood

"Why... Are you wearing that again?"

"The goddess of time told me to hide my hair from Majora's mask..."

"So you never answered my question-!" Link took Tatl and put her between his arm to shut her up. I gave a small smile before walking through the town. I didn't bother looking at everyone besides the structures of the beautiful town around me

"Have you noticed that there's a lot of people here getting ready for a carnival?" Link asked. I looked around to see what he said was true. There are many people out here getting their ready tents ready and there are even people out here packing up and leaving. The moon was closer than it was yesterday. Link made a comment about it but I pretended like I didn't hear him

So much was in my head that I'm completely dull at the very moment. I want to get this over with already. Link was trying to get my attention, but all I can think about was what happened yesterday... That mask was suppose to be given to Link when he goes meet the lunar children and given them the mask they want, until he meets the one child wearing the Majora's mask and gives you the fierce deity to play good guy and bad guy... And thinks Link is the bad guy, but aside of all that, that mask was dropped in front of me when playing the moon song

"Hm?" I looked at Link when he was shaking my shoulder. He held a expression I can't explain

"Lina, I've been calling you for about 10 minutes!" I looked confused

"What..? Really?" He frowned, taking my hand

"Come on, let's buy some breakfast" I nodded

"O-okay... Yeah, alright... Let's eat something" he gave me one last frown before walking me around Termina to get me to a cafe to eat something that can help with my nervousness. Link said I was shaking the whole time I was walking, but I didn't even notice

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