Chapter 3: Devotion

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I drew Link a little different but it's understandable and you'll see why! Enjoy!

After resting, since Link, Navi, and I have been fighting in the Deku tree all night, it was time for us to leave Kokiri Forest. When telling this to the other Kokiris that already became fond of me and has been talking smack to Link about letting the Deku tree die, they told us that if Link leaves the forest then he'll die. Even if they believe he killed the Deku tree and even disbelieved he was ever a Kokiri, many of them were sad to see him go, us go.

They called him a official Kokiri, a man, now that he had Navi, but Link didn't care for anyone in the slightest. We were on our way to the bridge, just a few steps away before Saria called out to Link, but there was something else that caught my attention. It was something in the path of the exit... It felt like something was out there. A strong aura

"Lina..?" I looked at Saira facing me with a frown. Link was staring down at the fairy ocarina I'm sure she gave him as a memento. I faced her, smiling with my hands together

"Saria..." She looked down

"There's something different about Link... I'm not sure what it is exactly, but I think I should thank you" she put on a smile "Link is my best friend, I've been with him for a long time. He never had a fairy and always been called a Kokiri wanna be. I always defended him and been with him through out everything. The Deku tree told me to take care of him, since he lacked anything a living body needed to be fully functional as a person. It didn't have to tell me to take care of him, I knew what I had to do... And I knew there will be a day when Link will leave. I knew he was different from me and my friends" she played with her fingers nervously, then smiled "please Lina... Even if we just met yesterday, I want you to take care..." She held my hand "there's something about you... I don't know what it is, but it makes you special. I'm glad we met... Please come back to the forest to visit" I nodded with a smile

"Of course..." I looked at Link putting his ocarina in his pocket "come on Link..." I looked at the exit "there's... So much out there we have to explore..." There's something out there that I have to find... Something is calling me right now. Heh... Probably that owl that's waiting for me outside

To my surprise, the owl wasn't anywhere near. In fact. The exit form Kokiri Forest and the path towards Hyrule field was twisted with leafs and tree branches. It was oddly dark and everything covered the sun. It was like we played the sun song and suddenly changed to night time. No, it was just a new feature in this new reality I have to go through

Luckily, the path to the end wasn't so long and I could already feel the sunlight glowing on me. Reaching the open space and see the gigantic field in front of us and over to a large castle I can see for miles, something stopped us from going further. Who is it? I think it's pretty obvious

"Hoot hoot! Hello... Lina" he greeted me? "It appears you have finally awaken to start your adventure with the child destined to leave the forest"

"How do you know me..?" Isn't this bird the spirit of Rauru or something? It lifted its leg and dropped a rolled up scroll, which I'm assuming is a map?

"There are things I know and things I don't know. You have your own destiny to find through this adventure just like Link. Hoot hoot hoot! Bye bye!" It flew off. I sighed, crossing my arms. This bird really... Annoys me. It always have something random to say. At least for me. That thing knew me... I want to know how it knew me but then again, this is Hyrule. A lot of unexpected things happen

We walked towards the direction of Hyrule castle. Not even coming close to the market, we had to camp out for the night. I don't know much about making a fire, so I had Navi help me while Link leaned against a tree, staring at the moon. I wish I knew exactly what he's thinking... Or if he's thinking at all. What made him drive to the motivation to help the great Deku tree if he didn't have feelings? Was it really because I told him to? Actually... I never said a word, I just brought him with me and he naturally knew what he had to do. I smiled, knowing that hope was probably the reason for it

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