Chapter 34: Giant

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I was drinking some milk while watching Link practicing his sword swinging and arrow shooting. I never get tired of watching him. Tatl seems bothered for some reason

"Tatl, what's the matter?"

"That imp the lady was talking about reminds me of Skullkid"

"It is Skullkid, Tatl"

"How do you know?"

"She said the goddess of time said centuries will pass and he'll be happy. I'm sure she's referring to the same person" Tatl looked down

"Skullkid told Tael and I that his friends left him... He never said how long ago that was. I feel so bad now..."

"He found happiness with you and Tael... But that mask brought blackness to him. It's going to be up to us to help him" she nodded and wiped her tear away

"You're really smart and kind... I'm always giving you a hard time" I smiled

"It's okay... I live for hard times..." I got kidnapped and experienced murder... Nothing is calm about the mind of mine. That old life is nothing now, but I still grew up in it and learned so much "it makes me feel better that I have the ability to help people... I don't want anyone to suffer any longer. It's time to head back to where we left off" Tatl nodded and flew to get Link so we can travel there by Epona. I seriously wish I could call forth the owl right now...

"Why are you wearing the mask like that again?" Link asked as I lifted my hood after putting on the Goro mask

"Reasons" I smiled, though he can't see it. When going closer to the house below the canyon, a Goro ninja appeared from nowhere. I gripped on my scythe to prepare myself

"Master! you called!" I expected it to point it's knife at me to see I wasn't one of them, like the game, but it just stared... Huh? After a moment, it lifted its sword towards Link "you... Get away from the maiden!" It flew towards him with two swords and a fire barrier surrounding us. I lifted my scythe and hit it on its head and had it fall on the floor

"...why..?" I removed my mask "You are... you have wounded me... I will take this as a honor by the great maiden herself" my eyes widened in confusion "I shall take my final blow by opening my heart and revealing my wisdom... To revive the dried-up river on Imana hill, you must go to the spring water cave. Blue maiden..." I flinched. How does it know me..? "Alas... You reveal your face again to me, I feel warm again" it disappeared. I lowered my scythe slowly, staring at the floor

"What happened..?" Link asked

"Not sure... That thing knew me. Come on, there's more ninjas around here. They might say more!" Link and I went around to find the ninjas, who all seem to know me and worship that I've come to see them. How do I attract these things? They all gave useful information about the well, spring, and house around. We roamed to the cave, where a mysterious voice spoke

"What business have you in the Ikana Kingdom, the land where only the dead roam" a Poe appeared. Link hid me behind him

"Isn't that the brother of the Poe we awoken back in the graveyard..?" He whispered. I nodded, keeping my hood close to my head

"This is no place for one as full of life as you two! Especially the one in the hood" it stared at me "you... Are full of life, but you are also full of death!" I flinched, terrified

"Don't listen to that thing" Link said

"There is life within this cave... Would you like to join the dead? In that case, then sleep gently to the melody of darkness that the great composer, Sharp, shall play and join the rest of the dead" the composer was conducting a song that was sucking the life out of Link and Tatl. They groaned and fell on the floor

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