Chapter 30: Snowfall

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"these mask are... Werid" Link and I went around to collect a few mask during the last day, since the temple took us a day and a half to get though "we have more mask than we have back home..."

"These mask have magic in them, don't you think this place is weird? There wasn't magic in the mask back in Hyrule" I nodded, looking up at the rain on the second day from our front door under the small cover over the entrance. I looked at the mask of truth on my lap, thinking about the little things we did before turning back time for probably the 5th time? It's not like we're stalling, I just kinda want to get the time bubble to appear in as many places as possible. The southern part of Termina, part of it, is mainly covered in the time bubble. I don't know why, since it's not in the major places we have to go to, but I really want to and I have a feeling placing time bubbles all over the place will be important

"Are you sure we should be stalling like this?" Tatl asked, eating a grape that she can hug

"We're not stalling..." I'm just resting, since my magic feels as it was draining for some reason "In fact, we can finally go to another temple! Snowfall Temple... Shall we go now?" Link stood up

"Should I play the Song of Time?" Song of time... A song that's supposably part of me from what the goddess told me and the song that just brings back bad memories. Not wanting to talk, I nodded and stared at the moon as Link played the Song of Time to take us to the dawn of the first day and hurry to north clock town to start the path up the mountain.

It was awfully cold... I gave Link my cloak and used the Moon song to help keep the temperature steady within my body. The goddess of time told me the other night that the moon song can do many different things, I just have to find out what it is "you don't have to do that..." Link said, holding my cloak

"The moon song will keep me fine within 12 hours... So it's okay. Anyways" I looked in front of me at a village with a few houses up ahead covered in snow "we are in mountain Village. See that house there?" I pointed "that place can help sharpen your sword, but we can't go in there yet because we need a certain item" he nodded and rubbed his arms. I don't know why the moon song won't have a effect on him

"Oh right, I almost forgot!" I took out my lens of truth "this will be useful" as I gave it to Link, I looked to the side to see the spirit of a dead Goron. He was quick to notice that I noticed him

"Can it be? Are you able to see me?" I gave Link the lens so he can see the spirit as well... Now why am I able to see this spirit with my human eyes? "If you can see me, please follow me" Link and I looked at each other

"Who is this guy?" He whispered

"Well... I don't remember all that much"

"Remember from where?" Tatl asked. Heh heh...

"Rather not say... Again, I don't even know how I know all this. But..." I searched through my head "he is going to be important to us and since he's a troubled spirit, I will ease his spirit by playing the song of healing once he takes us to the Goron grave yard"

"Hey! Are you coming or what?!" The ghost Goron yelled from a far

"It's a good idea to follow him... We need to save his people" we all hurried to follow the ghost Goron. As we did, I glanced to the side to see a light formed to a kind of bird soaring through the sky, staring at me. It camouflaged with the blizzard... My vision changed to see its view point for a second. Something about it made my body feel all fuzzy inside... I shook my head, probably seeing things, ignored it and we finally made it to the Ghost's grave in Gorons graveyard, a Goron who's name turned out to be Darmani

"The soaring one said the one who could see me would be arriving soon..." He spoke, staring at me more than Link

"The soaring one..?" I asked

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