Chapter 35: Deity

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Ikana Canyon was completely covered in the time bubble. Link and I met up in the dawn of the third day. I somehow felt light and calm, unlike how I've been feeling this whole time. The song I received within my moon's tear that formed into a ball that's the size of a big marble and the same gem that's on my pin Link gave me and that my mother made for me, was held tightly between my fingers

I stood on my own while Link and Tatl stared up at the moon. I held my moon's tear very closely, hoping I can hear this song soon... When this song is played, I just know that's when the time bubbles will pop. I never heard of a song called the Song of memories, but then again... There are many songs I now know that was never in the game. Soon... I will be able to play this and finally learn who I am. To know why I was sleeping in the sacred realm, to know why I was chosen to guide Link, and to know why I have my own sages and have magic...

Scotty was born within Termina... the dead knows me well and respect me, and I attract death yet I'm full of life... Many know me as the blue maiden, but I have yet to know what is my connection with this world. I have the goddess of time by my side, but why is it that a person like me with mental issues and issues in general have such gifts..? All of these connections will come soon make sense... I just hope it does

"Link..." I stood up after he practice around with his new sword the great fairy gave him "it's time..." I showed him the moon's tear "this... This will finally tell me who I am. I will not be able to know until the end. It is a song, a song that will help me remember. I do not know when it will burst to play, but if it doesn't when we start our fight... I want to tell you how happy you've made me"

"What do you mean..?" He frowned

"I haven't learned who I really am since the year and a half I've met you. When I first came to this world, I was one person... But because of us being together for this long, I've became another. Though my mind is fragile, my heart is light and happy to know that I had so many people in my life. I've learned so much and guiding you through such a adventure was my biggest achievement... I use to guide people back in the fake world to their tables, but I guided you across two large lands. Thank you Link..." I offered my hand "even if I can never find out who I really am, all that matters is who I am right now because of you. I'm sorry it took so long for me to finally realize that" he smiled, pulling me to a unexpected hug

"There was hope in your eyes, and I haven't seen that in a long time. I'm so happy to see you like this again" I smiled and hugged him tightly

"Link... Where would I be without you..?"

"I ask myself that all the time"

"It is time..." The goddess of time spoke. I pulled away and looked up at the clock tower. Watching me stare at the tower, Link got the hint and played the song of double time to speed up time to the sunset...

The sky turned red, showing its almost time for our battle to start. There are many people here, but many have already evacuated... Our words don't ring a bell when we first told them, but they will remember soon. Thanks to the song in my hands, our message to want to save everyone will reach them... They will be able to see the giants. At dawn, I already saw everyone starting to finish up their packing, and right now they're about to leave. I floated in the air a little and put my hands together to send them my message through the light

"Please do not leave... The four gods will come. Surely you know of the legend..? They have heard your cries... Once the carnival begins... They will come. Please stay and witness everything..." I stood back on the floor and looked at Link staring at me "now... Let us go meet Majora"

"Avelina..." A familiar voice echoed through the air. I looked at the red sky to see a bright white bird of some sorts flying through the sky. My eyes gazed upon the magnificent creature soaring through the air. It disappeared in the blink of an eye "Avelina..." I held my chest in pain and coughed. Link patted my back to see if I was okay. I just nodded and hurried to the clock tower as the carnival was beginning... Sort of

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