Chapter 1

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Time really wasn't on my side, huh?

There was two minutes left till the class ended but I could have sworn there was two minutes left five minutes ago. I refrain from groaning, instead opting to stay quiet. The students surrounding me were rowdy as expected, Mr Burns having stopped caring a while ago. 

I can't wait for this to end and then the last part to get done is graduation.

"Hey," someone hisses, tapping my shoulder.

I turn around in my seat and face the unidentified person. It was Harley, the preppy princess with a stick up her ass. I raise an eyebrow. "Are you talking to me?" I ask stupidly. 

She rolls her eyes and scowls. "No kidding." She says and I simply stare blankly at her in response, regretting even turning around. Over the years, I've learnt not to respond in cases like this. "Give this to Brad," she says, shoving a piece of paper into my hand. I turn back around, holding my tongue from saying anything. I take a deep breath before tapping Brad on the shoulder who was seated in front of me. He turns around and scowls.

"What do you want?" He hisses. I contemplate throwing the paper in his face but decide against it. Instead, I don't respond and just hold out the paper, thrusting my thumb in Harley's direction. He looks back at her and winks, grinning. Returning his attention to me, he glares and snatches the paper out of my hand.

Just as he does, the bell rings. 

About time.

I bolt out of my seat and am the first one to get out. I quickly walk to the school parking lot and wait for my twin, Anastasia. She appears in a few minutes and comes over to me.

"Can you believe it, Arianna? Last day of school. Finally out of this hell hole." Anastasia says to me. I agree with a nod of my head, too exhausted to respond. We silently walk through the front gates and start out walk home, the bustling crowd around us drowning out our silence. 

"My favourite Jacobs twins!"

I scowl, my body freezing for all but a second. It was the voice of Damien, the boy set on making my life more miserable than his. I turn my head back and find him a few feet away from us. Anastasia and I quicken our pace after we share a look, not wanting another confrontation with him. His words were mocking and it made my skin itch. "Why are we walking so fast?" He groans, following us.

He grabs my wrist so I am forced to stop. "Let me go, Damien." I say in a weak voice. He was the only one that could successfully make me feel weak. Make me feel as if I'm nothing. It was all just a games to him.

"Now I can't do that. It's the last day and that means I probably won't be seeing you again. I-" he is cut off by Anastasia.

"Leave her alone."

Damien is about to respond when someone cuts in. "Is there a problem here?"

I turn my head. I find a middle aged man, walking his dog. He stood in front of us, looking very perplexed. Damien immediately lets go of my hand and takes a small step back. I take this as my chance to get away from him. I run off with Anastasia close behind. I send a grateful smile towards the kind stranger that helped and he returns it with a baffled look.

After a few minutes of running I slow down to a walk with Anastasia beside me. I suck in a shaky breath, both from running and Damien's harassment. "Don't worry. It's all over now. He can't bother you anymore." She says, offering me a smile that looked just as tired as I felt. The boy was borderline insane with his obsession of getting under my skin. It would make my weekdays torture because he had managed to rally most of the school in his plight. Solace came in eventually just being ignored by most people as time went by. 

I realise that Anastasia is right and I can't help feel absolutely relieved at that thought. As we walk home we feel the wind picking up. We both look up at the sky at the same time. Clouds were starting to roll in, dark and ugly ones. Time to hurry up. We pick up our pace. 

Anastasia and I are turning eighteen the day after graduation. Our family consisted of my twin, my younger brother and mother. I look up at the sky once more. Dad was up there. It was cancer. I tear my eyes away, finally spotting our house. I didn't dare dwell further on the what could have been because I knew it was a rabbit hole I wouldn't get out of.

Little did I know that I'd be entering one either way, just not one I was expecting.


Here it is! The first chapter of my first book. Thanks for taking time out of your day to actually read it. I know it's quite boring but it definitely gets better. Thanks once again! Have a great day/night wherever you are. ❤️

- a_lama

ps, my username has changed like three times since this old one. it's the very original username so I want to keep it here. 

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